It was bright. Entirely too bright. However, I was wrapped up in blankets that were incredibly soft and my ears were being blessed by Harry singing quietly and playing guitar, so I was okay with the blinding sun.
He was a few feet from the bed, sitting in the chair by the balcony doors. The sleek black guitar I'd given him for his birthday rested in his lap while his fingers fumbled to change chords.
I watched silently as he went back and forth between singing and writing in his journal. He was writing a song.
I snuggle further into the pillows and blankets and he looks up due to the soft sound of the blankets ruffling around. He smiles once he sees I'm awake and sets his things aside. He comes over, kneels next to the bed and kisses my forehead.
"Morning, beautiful. How was your sleep?"
"Amazing," I hum.
Last night was... eventful. We'd eaten dinner and then ended up having more sex (we were also a little drunk) and I gave him some attention since he gave me some. It was my first time so I'm still not entirely sure how it was for him. I think he was just pleased with the fact that I was willing to get down on my knees for him since he knows I'm inexperienced.
"Does your head hurt at all, baby?"
I shake my head no and he nods. I'm surprised it doesn't. I guess I wasn't all that drunk.
"How about some breakfast, yeah?"
"I want kisses first," I pout. He laughs and stands up before crawling into the bed next to me. He pulls me on top of him and swiftly connects his lips with mine.
After exchanging lots of kisses, I pull back and roll off of him. I snuggle into his side and his grip on me tightens.
"Were you writing?"
"Mhm," he smiles. "Hard not to when I had such beauty laid out in front of me."
I blush and smile like an idiot, then proceed to hide my face in the blankets. He tickles my sides and I squirm and go further under the blankets. Which is when I get an idea.
I sit up and look at him with wide eyes, which he seems extremely amused by. "You okay there, darling?"
"Okay first of all, you calling me darling makes me feel all happy inside and I love you," I smile as he takes my hand. "And second of all, we need to make a fort!"
"And why exactly do we need to do that?"
"Cause forts are fun," I pout. "Don't ruin this, Styles."
He puts his hands up in surrender as he chuckles. I slip one of his tees over my head and put on some shorts before I turn on music and start to assemble pillows and blankets to make a fort. Harry whines because I put Taylor Swift on, but I ignore him since he's doing nothing to help me. Once I get a successful fort built, I go down to the kitchen and grab a bunch of food.
Harry's already in the fort when I get back into the bedroom. I set all the food out and crawl into the blanket cave. His arms wrap around me and he pulls me into his side to lay with him. A kiss is placed onto my forehead as he hums along with the music, which he had changed to something slower while I was out of the room.
I let out a deep sigh of contentment and curl into Harry's body. All that work to make a fort and I could fall asleep so easily in his arms right now.
"I love you."
I glance up at him and mumble it back to him in response. I give him a quick kiss before I rest my chin on his chest. His fingers brush through my hair softly and my eyes close as I relax even more. I don't think I've ever been so happy and relaxed in my life.
"This is really nice," I say quietly.
"It is," he agrees. "And this place is all ours."
"Well, yeah, we built it," I joke.
"The house, not the fort. You dork."
My phone buzzes and I reach over Harry to grab it. Taylor had tagged me in a tweet.
'taylorswift: I. Am. Dying. This is fantastic. I love my friends. Miss you tons @MissAvaMae (video)'
I watch the video, which is of me dancing not even five minutes ago to New Romantics. I glare at Harry and he smiles evilly.
'MissAvaMae: @taylorswift WHERE DID YOU GET THIS OMFG'
'taylorswift: @MissAvaMae you sent it to me?¿ why is this so shocking'
She attached a screenshot of our text conversation which, sure enough, had the video attached. I replied with a screenshot from my screen which didn't have the video.
'MissAvaMae: everybody say their goodbyes to @Harry_Styles now because he is about to be a dEAD MAN'
'taylorswift: *sips tea and watches fight that's about to go down* love this movie!'
'Harry_Styles: Oops. Didn't think that one through.'
'MissAvaMae: @Harry_Styles: babe don't even act like this wasn't your plan all along'
'Harry_Styles: @MissAvaMae you know nothing!'
'MissAvaMae: I left the room for two minutes. TWO. MINUTES. What did I do to deserve this??'
'MissAvaMae: It's done. It's been real @Harry_Styles. All the love, dumbass. #RIPHarry'
Within the time that the three of us were tweeting, three worldwide trends were created. #Hava, #Tayva, and #RIPHarry.
'MissAvaMae: #Hava is no longer (because Harry's dead). #TAYVA SHALL RISE. @taylorswift'
'MissAvaMae: alright I'm done now. Harry won't stop poking me... I need to find a more efficient way of killing'
"You're not really gonna kill me, are you?"
I shut my phone off and push it outside of the fort so I'm not tempted to get back on it. Harry does the same as I wrap my arm around his torso and cuddle up into his side. "No, I love you too much."
"Good. 'Cause I'm really happy right now and I don't want to die."
"TeenVogue: Back on! Ava Mae and Harry Styles just confirmed that they're back together and the story involves Styles' ex, Taylor Swift!"
"HollyWire: We can't get over the Twitter conversation between Ava Mae and Harry Styles, and we can't get over the fact that they're back together again. So happy for them!"
"MissAvaMae: ok I know that was all craziness but I'm truly happy & I love my friends & my life & you guys
"Harry_Styles: Love is lovely."

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...