"I never thought I'll say this but I'm happy with your relationship with my son," Queen Keira told me.
We were at the dinner table, waiting for King Gavin and Prince Gabriel to enter for breakfast. My schedule resumed back to the original. I dined with the royal family again, breakfast and dinner. I believe it was to make Prince Gabriel hate me more by seeing my face.
"What relationship?" I asked.
Queen Keira grinned. "Exactly."
I looked away from her and then to King Gavin and Prince Gabriel, who were coming in. They took their seats.
"Well it's nice to see you again, Ezra. We missed you over the time," King Gavin said.
"Well your Majesty, I'm happy to dine with you again as well," I said.
The King smiled and I smiled back. He really seemed like a warmer person than Queen Keira and Prince Gabriel.
I took a peak at Prince Gabriel but he was ignoring me, just like he did for the entire first week I was here. It saddened me but it was for the best. He should fall in love with a princess, not a peasant, nor should he care about me. Now he won't visit me anymore and that's good.
The butlers came with our breakfast and we all enjoyed it. Then the royals began to speak. I continue to enjoy my breakfast. I would be leaving soon and I was appreciating my last fulfilling meals.
"So why did Cormenda require your presence, my son?" King Gavin asked.
"Well apparently they want me to be one of their daughter's suitors," Prince Gabriel said.
Queen Keira's eyes widened. "Oh what great news!"
"I declined."
"What! We need you to marry soon, Gabriel! Are they aligned with us?"
"They never were, Mother," Prince Gabriel said.
"Now they never would align with us because of you!" Queen Keira yelled.
"Keira, my dear, quiet down. I'm certain there is some explanation." King Gavin shook his head and then turned to his son. "Did they offer something else?"
"Yes, actually they still wanted to align with us, if not by marrying their daughter then we could create an alliance with them by contract. I told them we will be with them shortly and to have the papers ready." Prince Gabriel looked at his parents, expectantly.
Finally King Gavin grinned. "Well done, my boy. Well done." He patted Prince Gabriel on the shoulder.
Prince Gabriel smiled and then looked at his mother. His smile faltered when his eyes landed on his her.
"You were saying, Mother?" He said, none too nicely.
Queen Keira pursed her lips and shook her head and continued to eat her breakfast. Prince Gabriel's eyes then landed on me. I saw no warmth in his eyes and it was like he was back to the same cold person he was when I met him.
"Miss Ezra, you will be my date of course." He turned to his parents. "If we aligned ourselves with them, they will host a ball for us."
King Gavin nodded while Queen Keira's eyes lit up.
"A ball!" She cheered. "How lovely! When should we go and sign our alliance?"
"Next week if you like," Prince Gabriel said then our eyes met once again. "The sooner the better."

Disdain Notice (Editing In Process)
RomancePeasant girl Ezra never thought that her whole life will change when she turns seventeen. Taken away from her family to meet the Prince with the possibility of marriage... and humiliation, Ezra experiences a different world. The royals are snobbish...