Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Choose

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I set the plates on the new table and called everyone to come eat. Will and Gabriel came back and I thought I saw a little frown on both of them.

Gabriel sat down next to me and Will sat on the other side. My little brothers sat in front of us and then my mother, father and grandmother sat on the other end.

While I was cooking I noticed that we weren't having porridge tonight but a very fulfilling chicken and potatoes and shredded lettuce.

Once all of our food was on our plates, we started to eat. Soon the whole table was loud. My brothers were laughing and talking about games, my parents and grandmother was speaking with Gabriel and he hasn't even touch his food yet. I was speaking with Will.

"So how's Mila doing? Does she know that I was gone?" I asked Will.

Will nodded. "Mila was crying when I came to tell her. We both thought something bad was going to happen to you." He leaned in. "We both know those royals are cruel."

I looked at Gabriel, quickly. He was laughing at what my parents had said. I turned back to Will.

"Not all of them." I thought about Kiana and her husband King Malloy. "Some are pretty nice."

Will frowned a bit. "Well for you, they have to be."

"What do you mean?"

Will's ear got pink. "Well you're Ezra."

I nodded. "Like that explains it. Tell me, Will."

"I'll tell you when you're about to leave."

I looked at him and hugged him. "I missed you." I know that was random thing to do but I just couldn't believe that I was speaking to him again.

I pulled back. Will smiled and went back to eating. Gabriel saw me and he turned away, starting up conversation with my little brothers.

I squeezed his arm. He turned my way.

"Yes, Ezra?"

"Nothing. Um I just wanted to let you know that I'm happy."

He smiled. "I'm glad."

I smiled and turned away to speak with my parents and grandmother.


I came from my room with our cloaks. Gabriel was speaking to my parents outside. Will was at the doorway. I was about to walk forward till my grandmother pulled my arm.

I turned to her and smile. "Grandmother."

"Ezra, my beautiful granddaughter, thank you for visiting us."

I sighed at my sweet grandmother.

"Please be careful and be strong as always." I smiled. "Oh and Gabriel seems very good to us, to you." She winked. "Is there a romance between you two? Now tell me because I do love a great love story."

I blushed. "We're just friends, grandmother." I laughed. "Besides I don't know if I'm pretty enough to catch his attractions."

Grandmother rolled her eyes. "Oh Ezra, you haven't change your views on yourself yet. You're beautiful, darling, believe that."

"Ezra?" Gabriel called.

I smiled at my grandmother. "Maybe one day." I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and left outside.

Will held my hand. "Can I speak to you before you go?"

I looked at Gabriel. "A couple minutes more."

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