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Summary: let me tell you tale of Zayn's one great love.

Pairings: Ziam.


"I met Liam during my career in singing..." Zayn starts to speak, his lips slowly turning into a smile, and his brain going in flashbacks.

I jogged to the stage once again, why would they need us again? It was clear that yes, we weren't selected, but they called out for our names, my name. Four other boys and girls were with me when we entered the stage, once again. The girls were at one side, and I was with the four other boys. I just wanted to nibble down on my nails, and hide, but at the very back of my head, I'm hoping that there's something awaiting for us, because why would they call us out here again, I'm sure it's not for some long cheesy lines for apologies. But the next few words that the judges spoke, made my insides question if whatever that was happening was true, because was it? The blonde jumped in glee, I was just feeling the moment, and damn, did I feel stupid, and then someone pulled me in for a hug, and was soon formed in a big hug including four other people. I looked the person who pulled me in, it was the one and only, Liam James Payne. Of course, who would forget him? He's a phenomenal, it was a bummer that Simon even told him to go back two years ago, when really, he's all what X factor is about. And I didn't know that, that was the beginning of something. Something so good, yet so bad.

I found myself always behind Liam, and I found it as a reciprocating feeling, because Liam was there too, every time. We ultimately formed a friendship, something that didn't really form all too fast with the other three boys, don't get me wrong, but something just pulls me to Liam, and I'm not sure what to call it.

"Let's play a game!" Such innocent words that Harry blurted out, and we did start playing, stupid games, until, Liam was right in front of me, and I couldn't help but let my lips part on his, and I felt stupid because that was just plain bad and not someone a boy should do, at least that's what my parents and religion taught me.

"Sorry", but in my confusion, it was Liam who apologized, who seemed to be upset of what just happened, taking the blame to be his.

"Pal, it's fine, haha. I'm sorry too, lol" I said, and walked away, but of course, our bandmates couldn't shut up about it, ending in the public actually knowing about it.

But, at nights, mornings, afternoons, I found myself searching for the same feeling again, Liam's lips on top of mine again, and why was this such a bad feeling? I just wanted it, really bad. So, I turned to cigarettes, to girls, and that might be too low of me, but I'd rather destroy myself, and destroy other girls, except for Liam and my friendship, that maybe selfish, but it's all I could think that I could do about.

And if there was anything that broke me a lot, and I almost thought of breaking me as well, was when he got in a relationship, with a sweet girl, Danielle, she was beautiful, body of model, a personality to die for, and I couldn't find the urge to hate on her, because you can't hate a goddess. She was literally good in everything, and most of all, she cared for Liam, and that's all I could think of.

In the long run, I met Perrie, she was also another beautiful specimen, she never failed to make me laugh in most unusual situations, like the one time that we went out, and we spotted two cats doing the thing and we both laughed on the idea that the cats were lucky because they had a fair share amount of 'the thing', and the both of us were a total loser, and I couldn't help but agree. She was such a great friend, I found myself always with her, and for a minute there, I thought I could forget about Liam, but whenever we weren't together, I go home, and Liam was always in my mind,wondering what he'd be doing, or was he happy, even when he's in someone's else arms? My eyes closed and maybe for a while, all of my insides were calm. Just for a moment.

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