The One

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I remember how I met you. I met you in Kuwait, on a Wednesday. I didn't notice you at first, You and your team visited the institute I worked for, you were going to hold your Assessment in Kuwait, and our institute was the best school that you could have it in, and I say that with pride.

My supervisor, well, compelled me to take the exam, not even asking if I wanted to, while the others could say no, I couldn't, and so I was preparing for it.

When the first three came, You; Sir Zayn, Sir Niall, and Engr. Louis, I didn't pay much attention, I mean why should I? I was a teacher, and all I focused on were my students.

That evening, our Supervisor again compelled us to come with you for the dinner offering, to meet (and greet?). And so, we did.

While Engr. Louis was very happy with us, how I and my colleague were too happy, too loud, and too funny, to be with, you would smile and laugh a little, and I still didn't notice.

"So, who's gonna take the assessment?" Louis asked, and my colleagues looked at me.

"Only me. I hope I would pass though. I've not been sleeping." I laughed

"What certification?" Asked Louis

"Visual Graphics Design, NC-IV" I answered

"Ah, this guy, Zayn, is the in charged. You must be very nice with him." Louis joked

"Oh my! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would serve him!" I exclaimed, giving him the plates and everything he needed, only to get him laughing. I did everything in my will.

"He's planning to buy a Macbook." Joked Engr. Louis

"Bes, pack the Macbook, with a ribbon as well." I said to my colleague and we ended up laughing.


The next day, it was then the day of the Assessment, and I felt that I was about to cry. I wore my favorite Shirt because it made me feel confident (Did I feel like an idiot for thinking so? Nope!), Engr. Louis noticed me first and I sat with the three of you, and I kept on asking if the exam was going to be well or not.

"I've worn my favorite shirt today just for that exam." I joked

"Do not be fooled by her appearance." Joked Engr. Louis, and you just laughed, and smiled.

I found you always behind me during the exam, I found you always looking at me. I, then, started noticing you.

I was so tired to complete the exam in One Day, and it was completely normal to just finish it the next day. I offered Coffee, and whatever everyone wanted, and I felt you always there.

During the evening, almost 10PM, I was just waiting for my boss to come back, since everyone has left and left the key behind with me, I felt like I was about to cry, because it was late.

Engr. Louis asked for a T-Shirt (Uniform) that our Institute had, and I offered him the T-Shirt, he was indeed one of the happiest. I joked so much, that you noticed how funny I was.

"You're so different from all the men we've met." You commented

"I'll be the one you all would miss when you leave." I laughed and you nodded. When my boss returned, he asked us all to have dinner along with your Executive Director, Ma'am Pathy, and her trusted left hand, Sir Harry

We went for Indian Food, thats when I found out that you were allergic to Chicken, and Sir Harry was allergic to Shrimps, and Louis was allergic to not having food.

"Would you guys like Pandesal? Or Spanish Bread or something for tomorrow?" I asked, Harry opted for Pandesal, Louis opted for Siopao, while you opted for Spanish Bread. (These are kinds of breads in the Philippines). Spanish bread are my favorite, and I loved how it was your choice.

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