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Summary: No summary because I’m just gonna let whatever word that comes in my brain; I hope this comes out in a good way, or whatever. I hope it’ll make sense.


Pairings: No matter may be the outcome of my fingers.



                            Zayn Malik’s the type of boy that everyone drools for, every girl/woman turn around just to take another glimpse of his face, just another glimpse of his handsome, beautiful face. Sometimes, it’s so unreal how a boy/man could look this beautiful. He’s too pretty, his eyes kept capturing everyone’s hearts, and his personality attracts everyone, him as a whole, captures everyone’s attention and everyone’s delicacy. Zayn is beautiful, inside and out, people always looked at him like he just fell from above, all dusty and white, his feathers still so alive, that’s how people thought about Zayn, beautiful, innocent and angelic.

                       Liam Payne was the complete opposite, he was beautiful, yes, but, he wasn’t like Zayn Malik. Liam was quiet, he liked being alone, he liked sitting alone, he liked singing alone, he liked his own space, he tend to shut people out, and he just really hated too much attention or people or the both of those. Liam tended to wear black like it was the new trend, everything was black, his jackets, sweaters, hoodies, pants, his hair, even his brown hairs were dyed black, he enjoyed the comfort given by the color black. You might see him rarely in white, but, just as an inner, and sometimes, very rarely, you might even see him shirtless, but that’s too rare, it’s too close to extinction because Liam didn’t like showing his body, or skin, or himself, he doesn’t like people looking at him, and people knew better than coming to his side of the world.

                      And one day, the Malik and the Payne combined, poor little Malik. Zayn didn’t know better than going near to the boy in black, he decided to sit beside the guy in black who never looked at him or smiled at him or even asked for his name or anything, this guy in black never acknowledged his presence, and maybe that’s what Zayn found in the guy in black, the invisibility. Sometimes, Zayn wants to be invisible, he just wants to be able to pass through the halls without people looking at him, without every male trying to be friends with him, without any girl gawking at him or trying to get his number, because to be honest, Zayn doesn’t actually have a phone. No, don’t get him wrong, but he never intended to get a phone because of all of these attention. And so, when Zayn’s eyes lands on the boy in black, and the empty seat in front of him, Zayn wanted to sit there. Zayn badly wanted to sit there, and so he walks over to the place where the guy in  black was seated on. He takes the chair and settles down his books, he sits and places his bag at the empty seat beside him, he looked forward, at this mysterious guy in black, this guy in black isn’t a guy in black, this guy is literally god, forget about Zayn being a fallen angel, this guy in black is god. From the moment Zayn finishes inspecting the guy in black’s face, he finally decides that it’s god in disguise who sat in front of him, and nobody can tell him otherwise.

                        Liam felt weird, because he could sense the eyes on him, the eyes practically learning every part of him, and Liam despises that, but he doesn’t move, he doesn’t want to say anything, he doesn’t want to stop this person, he doesn’t know why, but he just doesn’t want to and even all the gods combined can never tell him why.

                        “Can I stare at you now?” Liam asks, although he’s still looking at his text book, searching for more suitable answers for the assignment, his biology teacher have given. Zayn was shook out of his ‘stalker’ mode and sat straight, closing his mouth and bringing back his senses.

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