Happy Endings

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Summary: Do Happy Endings really exist? (That's not even a summary, shoot me)

Pairings: Zayn Malik and Liam Payne (Ziam Palik), Side Nouis and more?


"...And they lived happily ever after" Zayn's mother finishes the story.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet, baby?"

"That's it? They just kiss and it's happily ever after?" Zayn was interrogative, he always was.

"Oh, baby" and Tricia is left in awe, really. It was mostof the times that Tricia had no answer to Zayn's question, because Zayn had too much questions, and it was difficult to answer him without him adding another question to the top.

And of course, they weren't real. Happy Endings were never real. They were lies, lies that our ancestors made us believe, but it's not real.

"Mother, why were you fighting with bapa?"

"It's nothing, Zayn" his mother would answer.

"Sacchi?" (Really?)

"Sacchi" (Really)

But of course, it wasn't real. Everything Zayn believed was a lie, there's nothing real in anything he knew all his life. There were no happy endings, and there would never be.

"Bapa, why is mama not coming anymore?"

"Mujhe nahi patha" (I don' t know)

"Bapa, Woh pyaar nahi karte humhe?" Zaynasks. (Father, doesn't she love us anymore?)

"She loves us, Zayn. Don't ever forget that. She loves us"

But if his mother could leave him to his father and take away the girls, did she really love Zayn? If she could just leave him behind without turning back, was that considered as love? Was it?

"Love and Happiness doesn't last. Pain does. It lasts even longer" became his motto.

Although, Zayn waited every day, just like his father; Yaser. They both waited for them to come back, or at least they could hear a familiar girl squeals, but they didn't. Zayn realizes that enough was enough.

Instead of putting six plates for the past two years, Zayn intended to keep only two. Because in his life, and for the rest of his life, it was only him and his father who existed and who stayed, and nobody else did, not even the important people; like his mother.


Before anyone knew it, Zayn stood before his house, he was now twenty one years old, and his father was no more with him. His father died with the same sadness as Zayn had for the past ten years. His father never had the opportunity to be happy, all he wanted was to see Patricia's beautiful face again, which never happened and to Zayn, it was because of her cruelty and selfishness, she only thought about herself and probably never thought twice about Zayn, he probably never even entered her mind.

Zayn grew up, looking at his sad father go to work, give everything he needed, and once Zayn was old enough to take care of his own self, Zayn told him to stop and he offered that he'd work for the both of them. He'd do anything for his father, because his father was the only person who stayed during low or highs, and because of his mother, all they had were lows.

It was another day to work, and that's what Zayn always did, he would always work whether he was in his highs or not, and he was never high, he could remember a little smile he'd give his father, and the fake smile his father would give him, trying to tell him that everything's fine, but Zayn knew the truth, that everything wasn't fine, everything was ruined, and the one who ruined it was his mother.

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