Illegal or not, you never loved me.

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Summary: It’s simple really. Zayn’s a teenager and Liam’s not and well, Liam has a girlfriend, and well, it’s also kind of illegal. (For the sake of the story, let’s say they’re all 17, except for Liam who’s 24)


Pairings: Zayn Malik and Liam Payne (Ziam Palik), side Sophiam, Larry and Lirry.


                     They had a project, they had to take photographs and pass it to the teacher, and because Zayn and Harry lived close to each other, they thought of doing it together. Zayn begged his uncle to give him one of his ‘professional’ pictures, while Harry took some pictures from Google, because he’s that lame. What’s important is that they had something to submit to the teacher, and probably even all their classmates would’ve done the same thing; take from Google, while the others believed it was really Zayn who took the pictures. Zayn waits for Harry as they had to get the pictures developed.

                     “So, is it stored in your USB yet?” Zayn asks looking over to Harry, and Harry frantically nodded.

                     “Good boy” Zayn comments and Harry grins.

                     “Can we go to Nando’s after? I really miss the food there” Zayn says

                     “As long as we get home by 8, you know how mother is” Harry says and Zayn nods.

                     “Now, come on! Our time’s running!” Zayn exclaims and Harry hurries.

                     It was annoying waiting for the line to proceed, especially when the man who developed pictures kept going here and there and looking at us as if it’s his first time to see teenagers, and it’s really, really annoying. In an hour, yes, a freaking hour, they were finally done, and the time was around seven. Zayn really wants to go and eat in Nando’s, because he missed the food there, although his mother really doesn’t fancy the food there.

                     “So, can we go and eat?” Zayn asks

                     “I don’t know—“

                     “My treat” Zayn says, and Harry’s eyes widens and agrees right away.

                     “I swear Zayn, my mother will rip me into pieces!” Harry exclaims all the way to Nando’s.

                     “Shut up, Harry. We’ll just order, then we’ll leave just as soon” Zayn says and Harry just agrees but complains every now and then. In ten minutes, they arrived Nando’s and it’s actually the first time that Zayn brings Harry to Nando’s, and Harry doesn’t know if he’s gonna like the food or not.

                     “I’m just gonna order. Come along with me so we can try what we want” Zayn says and Harry nods.

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