See you later

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Summary: Zayn has cancer and Liam doesn't want to say goodbye.


           “We’ll be best friends right? Even with the thing.” Zayn asks a little sheepishly to his best friend of seven years.

  “Why wouldn’t we be? We’ve always been best friends.” Liam slings his arm around Zayn’s shoulder, as they walk through the oncology center of their home town’s hospital, so Zayn can go to get his chemo.

            Zayn takes Liam’s Hand off of his shoulder and intertwines their fingers together as they enter the room, labeled ‘CHEMOTHEARPY CENTER’, and walked to the end of the room for Zayn to sit in the chair and get hooked up to the Bleomycin drip.

            After two and a half hours of Zayn complaining about his perfect hair, and Liam explaining that people will understand why he’s bald, they were finally able to leave. Liam goes back over to Zayn’s house with his mom and his sisters. They go up to Zayn’s room and Liam has a bucket in hand as he sits Zayn in his lap. He rubs Zayn’s head as they watch old episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S together.

            And when Zayn leans over the bucket to vomit, Liam has his one had rubbing his back and another hand pushing his limp hair off of his sweaty forehead, whispering sweet nothings. Once Zayn is finished Zayn’s mom is in his room taking the bucket and going to her bathroom to rinse it out. Liam fishes out a piece of gum from his pocket, unwraps it, and pushes it into Zayn’s mouth and whispers “I’m not kissing a boy with vomit breath.”

            All he can do is laugh tiredly, accept the gum, and kiss his boyfriend lightly on the lips.

Liam pulls Zayn by his wrist, up to his room, and closed the door behind him on the early Saturday morning. They sit together on Liam’s twin sized bed, sitting Indian style, across from each other. Liam can feel the heavy silence that Zayn had carried into his room. Zayn looks sad, looked like he was about to sob to be quite truthful.

            “Hey, Li. I have to tell you something real quick, and I understand if you don’t want to be friends or anything I just thought I’d tell you if something happened” Zayn whispered, pretty much rambling to himself , preparing to tell Liam.

            “Yeah. Anything, you know I’ll love you forever.” Liam says a bit worried, at least he could cross a few things from his list.

He and Zayn had talked about their sexualities already so check. They have also talked about their flirting with each other so check. Also Zayn is invisible, he couldn’t die, and he was super Zayn. Just like Super Why when they were six.

            “So I have this thing called malignant acute promyelocytic leukemia and it’s spreading, but I’m getting chemo and all and um a surgery soon,” Zayn tried as fast as he could to push the words out of his mouth.

            Zayn thought Liam would just up and leave him if he knew about his cancer. Nobody wants a dying friend, why would they? But Liam was his best friend and Liam held him in his arms after Zayn told him about it. Although Liam wanted to cry he didn’t because he needed to be strong for Zayn.  

            Liam sat on his bed with a sobbing Zayn in his arms because Zayn thought that Liam would give the worst reaction, when in reality he just pulled Zayn into his arms and kissed his forehead. That was his best friend no matter what. No matter what.

            “Goodbye means I won’t see you again, but See you later mean that I’ll see you after you talk to your mom.” Liam smiled as he pulled Zayn back inside the door.

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