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     It was pathetically normal for Zayn to feel like unwanted, it was normal for him to feel like he didn’t belong. His schoolmates weren’t the best, although, he was good in many things like studies, arts, singing and words, he was still unique, and people didn’t like that about him. They didn’t like his accent, they didn’t like the way he walked, the way he studies, the way he’s being himself, and everyday he feels like something is missing, yet he doesn’t know why. Zayn’s one of the cool kids, but he does things alone, he’s good in essays, speeches, and much more, but he’s good in it, alone. Nobody tries to become friends with him or understand him, and that hurts his heart. He wasn’t a very social person, but he was fun and nice, but nobody bothered to try that side of him.

     “Zayn, can you read the next paragraph?” The teacher requested and he nodded standing and getting his book while he stood, the students looked at him and bickered, another moment of the boy with the British accent, the boy who knew too much how to pronounce things, and that was something they envied in Zayn, but of course, instead of praising him, they teased him and made fun of him.

      It was natural for Zayn to read the slang words and his accent would budge every time, but he knew it was a hood accent, it wasn’t the bad type of English, comparing to his classmates who had sick accents, but he doesn’t complains, to be honest, when people make fun of them, he actually defends him, especially Niall, his classmate who he didn’t fancy too much, but he defended the boy because no one deserves to get bullied or teased.

      It was then he speaks another word, and a round of laughs were sent across the room, and it hurts his feelings, is it because Zayn is too sensitive? They always make fun of him every time he does something right, and whatever he does, it’s not enough, it’s never enough and that hurts his feels, a lot.

      Zayn goes home with a heavy heart, he types in his instagram account and post a picture about how he feels, something about depression, and doing it every day, he became depressed. The pressure was too much, he did everything he could, but it still wasn’t enough, and that saddens him and it shatters him every passing day.

      It was then when a doctor came to the school, he wasn’t a psychiatrist but he was a doctor which meant, it was close to it, and when the doctor came into his class and talked to the students one by one, and when it came to Zayn, the smile was wider, maybe because Zayn was the last student to be interviewed/asked by the doctor.

       “And you are-?” The doctor asks

       “Zayn, Zayn Malik” Zayn answers and the doctor smiles at him.

       “I’m Harry Styles” The doctor, Harry, introduces himself.

        “Hello Doctor Styles” Zayn greets

         “So, how old are you?”

          “I’m sixteen” Zayn answers

          “How are you feeling being in this class?” Styles asks

          “Depressing” Zayn answers truthfully.

          “Why so?” Styles asks

          “I just feel like there’s something not right, or maybe there’s something wrong with me” Zayn said

         “I don’t see any deformation in you, you’re beautiful, to be honest”

                      And that’s where Zayn thinks that maybe there’s still hope for him.

    Zayn logs in his facebook account and saw a numerous friend requests, pathetic people, if they come to know about Zayn in real life, they’d probably block him, or not, but that’s what Zayn thinks, and he checks the people who added him, some unknown people, and then he sees Liam Payne, the guy who everyone were added to, and to all the comments, Liam seemed to be the good type of a person, based on what he sees, as it felt like everyone added to him was added to him, and they leave him nice posts or comment, something nobody would do for Zayn.

     Zayn ends up accepting his friend request, the first chat was okay, Liam seemed to be a fun person as they way he talks and bubbly, Zayn was bubbly too, when it came to chats, but it seemed to be only in chats. Days passes, and they don’t really talk and Zayn doesn’t really cares, all that he does is go back to school and study and get depressed, he tried to fill up his hope, but every time, somebody really just needs crush all his hopes leading him back to zero.

    It was then, as months pass, and he talks to Liam more, finding more about Liam, like his true personality which seemed to be dark and sadder, and frustrating, something that Zayn’s trying to understand but all Liam does is push him away, that was until a little argument that meant the whole world to Zayn, and he didn’t know if it meant the same to Liam.

       “I’m so pretty right? Nobody sees the lie behind my smile” Message sent

       “You’re beautiful to me, but fuck it, you won’t care about what I think”

      “I don’t want to believe you, because you’re so ideal, and I don’t want to fucking fall for your words” Message sent

       “I don’t believe in love anymore, it’s dead”

        That saddens Zayn to the extent that he doesn’t know if he can still move because it hurts his feelings, Liam can’t just say that, there’s still hope, see the irony in Zayn’s words? How can Zayn even back out now? How can he retrieve the feelings he has for Liam?

        But what’s done is done, Liam never looked back and Zayn waited, but it felt so wrong to wait for something that will never come back, and so Zayn stops, he stops waiting, but when he started to walk on his way, that’s when Liam turns back, but Zayn was gone.

                   And this time, it’s for good.


I’m reuploading it here, because It got deleted! I hope you guys leave a vote here! I’m working on another one shot, which will be up tomorrow, I hope. I’m just giving it a final touch! Bye bye :>

-Reen xx

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