Sweat, Cars and Mechanics (Love Me Now)

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Summary:  Zayn is on vacation with his family and kind of hates it. They end up in a town with a mechanic, who happens to have a very attractive son.

Pairings: Liam Payne and Zayn Malik (Ziam Palik/Mayne)

A/N: I got this from a site, credits to her ofcourse, I'm so sorry I couldn't make my own because I have all these school works and it's really killing me. I even had to keep some books on hold. Thank you for reading this till today! I really do appreciate it! and I love y'all <3 

Warning: Smut warning.


          It was never part of Zayn’s plan. This impromptu summer vacation with his family was not written into the summer schedule when it started. Yet, here he is. Sitting in the back of a rented RV as he and his sister and his parents drive across the country in seek of ‘trying new things and experiencing new beauties’, or at least, that’s what his mother is saying. Zayn had just wanted to enjoy his summer before he’s sent off to university. He thought that it would be full of hanging with his best friends, Louis and Harry, and maybe visiting his boyfriend Niall at the café where he works. But instead, Zayn is somewhere in the middle of nowhere and his sisters won’t shut up or stop singing and Zayn’s about to lose it.

            “Mom, I’m starved, can we please stop for something to eat?” Zayn begs. He’s not really that hungry he just needs to get out of the RV now or he’s going to throw all of his sister out the window. His mom is about to answer when the RV makes a terrible noise and lurches forward, throwing Zayn off of the seat he’s in and on the ground. He groans and sits up, “Are you kidding me?”

            “What’s going on?” One of Zayn’s sisters calls from the back.

            Mr. Malik groans and pulls over to the side of the road just as the front of the RV goes up in smoke. Zayn can’t believe any of this. It’s not like he really wants to be here in the first place. His mom ushers everyone out of the RV while his dad tries to figure out what just happened. Zayn sits cross-legged on the side of the road and stares at the golden fields of grasses and purple flowers. It’s beautiful, though completely void of any human activity. At least, Zayn thinks, the sky is blue and bright and the clouds are rolling. There’s no chance of a storm, thank God, because that would make all of this much worse than it already is.

            “Alright,” Mr. Malik says as he walks towards the rest of the family that is sitting on the side of the road, “There’s a town about two miles up the road and we could walk there all together? Maybe we’ll find a mechanic?”

            “Are you kidding?” Zayn falls back onto the black top and puts his hands over his eyes to block the sun. It has to be at least one hundred degrees out here. He feels sweat starting to form on his brow and his back a little. There is a place that he would much rather be. And that is with Niall, cuddled up in the air condition, making out and watching a movie. “This couldn’t get any worse,” He stands up and follows the rest of his family down the road. He thinks about pulling out his phone and calling Niall to talk while he walks but his phone has no reception, “Dad, how did you know that there was a town two miles away?”

            “I think I saw a sign a few minutes back,”

            “You think?” Zayn’s doubting this whole thing.

            His mother interrupts his thoughts, “Please, Zayn, just go along with this and try to have fun,”

            So Zayn walks. He turns on some music and puts in ear buds and thinks about what Niall is doing right now. It’s kind of relaxing actually. He just misses his friends. He misses home. They have only been on the road a few days but it’s enough to fill Zayn with feelings of longing. He misses them. All of them. Louis with his comedy and sarcastic behavior. Harry with his curls and his cheesy jokes. And of course Niall, the boy who had stolen Zayn’s heart with his big blue eyes and his laugh.

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