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Summary: What if everything was a huge scheme?

Note: I'm just trying something new, please don't hate me when it ends. This is not a Ziam based one shot, it's all of them.


What if it isn't real at all? What if Ziam, Larry was just a big lie and scam produced by the management, how would you react?

What if Sophia and Liam are not real as well, but another thing done by the government, they made loopholes that the fans took advantage of. They made Ziam look real, and therefore, they took advantage of the weakness of the people who devoted their teenage years to the five men who sang in front of them.

What if everything was a signed contract? What if Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis and Harry knew each other before they were even shown together on National TV, what if it was all planned?

Liam's rejection was a lie back in 2008, maybe because Simon haven't found the other four yet, but once they were found, they could continue with their scheme.

"Harry, get off my way" Louis says with annoyance in his tone.

"What if you go through the other way? I think you know that this is my way"

"Stop it you two. Can't we all have peace at least for some moments? We have a show to be done with in two hours" Zayn says

"I hate them. I hate the people, I hate the fans" Niall grumbles

"The fans are supposed to hate us. We five are a lie" Liam says

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Sherlock" Louis says rolling his eyes.

"Seriously, what is wrong with the three of you? You must know that we owe our life to them!"

"That's what makes it so hateful! Because of them, we have to live this life! I don't want this!" Niall yells

"They give us money, made us famous, and made us give whatever our family wanted" Liam explains

"Yeah? and in return? We captivated ourselves and worked like their slaves!" Niall shouts

"Maybe you're the only one who hates this. I don't find myself hating what I'm doing"

"That's because you don't want to become the loser like you were when you were bullied back in high school. Oh, wait, you weren't bullied, that was yet another story built by the management so these teenagers would feel pity for you, thus increasing our popularity" Niall says

"Stop your mouths!" Zayn exclaims

"And you! The Naive one. The one who's always playing safe. You're always in the safe side, always protecting your reputation and stupidness, we're done now" Niall says

"Niall, what's wrong with you?"

"Everything, Liam. I don't know who I am anymore. I lost my dreams, I lost everything that I was in hold of. This was my dream, to be a singer. I wanted to sing for people, I didn't want to sing for a scheme. Just for fame, just to be an instrument to fool people! I'm even fooling myself, I don't know what I am doing anymore"

"You're living your dream"

"My dream? My dream isn't to be a puppet" Niall retorts.

"Will you both just shut up and let me have peace?" Harry asks

"...and then people think we have this strong connection. We hate one another, maybe we could've, if we weren't paid to do so. But even staying in the same room is being paid. Secret glances from Harry to Louis is paid. Louis touching Harry and biting him is paid. Zayn whispering to Liam and placing his lips on Liam's neck is paid. You people are being paid" Niall says.

"Even your girlfriends are being paid. Everyone is fighting over which is real, whether is Elounor or Larry, but the true shit is, none is real. Both are stupid, and are unreal, both are imaginative" Niall adds.

"What do you want then, Niall?" Liam asks

"I want to be human, Liam. I want to be able to make mistakes without getting paid. That's what I want to be, I want to be human" Niall said

"...And you must want to be human as well. You must want to be able to tell Zayn that you're in love with him. But you can't differentiate what you really feel, and what you're doing for payment. You're never really sure. And that's absolutely sad"

"You don't know what I feel"

"Liam, you knew how much I was ready to take psychology because I could easily read people. And you both" Niall speaks looking at Louis and Harry.

"You both act like you don't care about each other, but deep inside, you've actually fallen hard for each other, and you have to hide that, because you both are already acting that you're hiding what you both feel which is a scheme, but actually there is something!"

"and what about you then? You're the perfect one here?"

"No, of course not. I know what I want. It's not going out there anymore. I don't want to see those fans anymore and make their heads go round in lies that they themselves have created"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I quit. I quit, and I don't think I can do this anymore, or again. Sue the contract, sue the papers. Do something about what's happening, guys. Do something. We are One Direction, we are a big scheme, the only direction we are leading to, is a place where won't ever know the difference of what we really feel, and what's subjected for us to feel. That's One Direction. This is One Direction, We are One Direction. One Direction is a scheme and so are we"


I'm not sure about this one, but I hope you guys liked it. Hihi. Also, Belated Happy New year! It's 2015 already, I can't even recover yet. It's 2015, but it feels just like the same thing, and whenever I remember it, I keep singing "Same old shhh, but a different day" yeaaah I know, I'm such a darling.

What do you think about this? I was so in denial with writing this down, but it wouldn't go out of my mind. Thoughts? leave a vote.

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-Reen xx

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