Journal Lessons: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

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S4 E16 everypony! Somepony to Watch Over Me is up next!


Out in a field on a nice warm day, the Mane 7 were gathering together as Fluttershy speaks up, Malibu wondering what they were going to do. "Ok, everypony. As you know, the adorable fairy creatures known as Breezies will be coming through Ponyville!" She exclaims with a smile on her face.

Malibu jumped a little when Pinkie lets out one of her usual squeals. "Yes! Ooh, this is so exciting! Ah! I can't wait for Rainbow Dash to make the breeze for them so I can see how cute they are up close!" It made Malibu nod in agreement since he had never seen Breezies before, only having heard of them from before Fluttershy's trip.

Rainbow Dash flutters in the air a little. "I've never done it before, not that I'll be totally awesome at it, because I totally will!" Malibu bumps his mare friend playfully. "I'm sure you'll be great Dash." He said, recalling how they had to make a small breeze for the Breezies since their wings weren't super strong.

The yellow Pegasus continued. "And that breeze is very important. But so is cheering on those teeny-tiny little things, so they have the confidence to ride that breeze to their native land." She spots a ladybug from afar. "Did I mention how tiny they are? So tiny!"

It made Malibu chuckle. "Only about 30 times since you returned Flutter," He said, recalling how excited she had been along with a lot of pictures. Fluttershy blushes before continuing. "I was thinking we could do a special Breezie cheer."

The others were confused except Pinkie Pie. "I LOVE cheers!" She shrieked, making Fluttershy hold a wing over her face a little. "But these cheers have to be quiet cheers, we don't want to startle them. They need to be able to concentrate. Why don't we try it? You can do it, Breezies." Fluttershy says as a cheer suggestion.

Malibu and the rest couldn't help it as they all shouted together. "YOU CAN DO IT, BREEZIES!" The gang yelled, making Fluttershy wince. "Oh my..."

Applejack lets out an embarrassed chuckle. "Heh, sorry Fluttershy. I had no idea how hard it was to do a cheer quietly." She said, Malibu agreeing since he often liked cheering for Rainbow Dash especially during that flying competition from a few years back.

Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, it's ok. Quiet doesn't come naturally for everypony. Let's try it again."

Again, the rest of the 7 did their cheer, not as loud but still loud enough. "You can do it, Breezies!" They exclaimed. Fluttershy winced again. "Just a little quieter."

"You can do it, Breezies." The 6 other ponies attempted, but wasn't quite soft yet. "Just a little quieter." Fluttershy said in her softer tone.

"You can do it, Breezies." Malibu and the rest finally said in a super soft whisper. It made Fluttershy rather pleased as she jumped into the air. "PERFECT!" That yell made the rest wide eyed then Fluttershy corrected herself, blushing. "Oh, I mean, yay." Malibu chuckled to himself, knowing they had a lot to do to get the welcome Breezies party ready for tomorrow.


Soon the day for the Breezies arriving had finally come. Malibu had been put in charge with Twilight to check on preparations. He watched Rainbow Dash from above with Cloud Chaser and Flitter. She puts her hoof in her mouth then places it in the wind, feeling that the breeze was too rough. "That's too strong!" She instructed. "We gotta slow this breeze down or we're gonna blow the Breezies apart!"

Cloud Chaser and Flitter did so, the three Pegasus flapping their wings as gentle as possible, Malibu nodding in Dash's direction as he went to check on the food from the Cakes, Fluttershy having explaining to them about how the Breezies' pollen worked.

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