Journal Lessons: Power Ponies

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S4 E6 everypony! Bats is up next!

Ever since Malibu and his friends had visited the Castle of the Two Sisters, the Mane 7 eventually decided to give said castle an extreme makeover after Malibu literally begged his mom to do it.

She had agreed from when her son gave her and Luna their old journal which had almost made Celestia cry.

Now they were all inside, touching up on some parts of the castle that needed it the most mostly in the throne room. Malibu himself was cleaning the pillars while Applejack did the decorations, Rainbow and Fluttershy re hung some of the old tapestries along with new ones, and Pinkie Pie at least washed the walls and decorations.

Malibu scrubbed the next pillar as much as he could, hoping to make it look nice since eventually he wanted to have a party here in the castle, Twilight checking on their progress. "Looking good, everypony! Let's keep this magical makeover moving!" She said.

Spike walked in, grinning confidently. "Good old Spike is here, ready to do his part!" He offered, but his friends simply were too focused to pay any attention to him.

He glanced at Malibu. "Hey, Mal, maybe I can help you out? That's a lot of pillars," Spike asked, lifting up a pail, Malibu simply shook his head. "Uh, no, I'm alright, but thanks buddy."

The baby dragon sighed, turning to the others, Pinkie Pie wearing sponges on her hooves. "A little more to the left!" She called to Applejack hanging a portrait. "No, the other left!" Pinkie shrilled again, sliding to the right. Applejack rolled her eyes, fixing the painting again.

"Awesome, that's perfect, right where it is! Onto the next painting!" Pinkie praised, still sliding everywhere, making Malibu laugh. Somehow, Pinkie to him was even more zanier than when first meeting.

"You sure you don't need any help?" Spike asked Applejack who shook her head. "Nah, that's ok."

Pinkie Pie now somehow slid along the walls on her sponges. "We have everything under control!"

Spike looked up at Rainbow Dash. "Dash?"

She pulled out another banner. "I'm good!"

Malibu eyed the little dragon who was rather desperate looking when asking Twilight. "Isn't there anything I can help you with, Twilight?"

Pinkie Pie again slid by. "Don't worry about it, Spike! It's all good!"

Twilight agreed. "I think she's right, it looks like we've got it Spike." She looked happily at all of their cleaning progress. "Looking great, everypony!" She pulled out a comic from Spike's saddlebag which happened to be a series he a while ago introduced to Malibu called the Power Ponies. "Why don't you find a quiet spot and finish reading your comic? Aren't you right at the part where Hum Drum was about to stop the villain?"

Malibu himself inclined his ears to listen, rather interested when Spike waved his hand. "Hum Drum never stops the villain, he's just there for comic relief!" At those words Spike accidentally stepped into a bucket. Glaring, Spike grunted when struggling to get it off.

Twilight then was distracted. "Rarity, lemme give you a hoof with that!"

Spike popped the bucket off finally. "I could do it!"

"No, that's ok, Spike, really." Twilight claimed, dismissing him again, which now was making Malibu feeling a little bad for rejecting the baby dragon's offer earlier.

"Pony Power!" Squeed Pinkie Pie while continuing to scrub the floors. Spike sighed, going off to find a solitude spot, Malibu putting down his cleaning sponge and going to see if he could cheer him up.

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