First Lessons: Applebuck Season

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It was another fine day in Ponyville; the streets were busy and Malibu himself was shopping for Granny Smith who needed some apple treat ingredients. He spotted Rainbow, waving to her.

She flew down to meet the teal alicorn. "Hey, Mal, what's up?" Rainbow greeted. Malibu smiled back with his cheeks coloring from her nickname for him.

"Just shopping for Granny Smith, I volunteered so she doesn't have to walk all the way here hence her hips being sore," he said. For he spotted Granny Smith struggling to put a saddle bag on and halted her, saying he can go instead. Smith thanked him with her heart then just fell asleep in the chair after handing him a list of items they needed.

"That's cool, just cruising around town, may grab a bite to eat," Rainbow replied, until suddenly Malibu felt a strange rumbling feeling under his hooves.

"Uh, Rainbow, what's happening?" The clone asked in worry. Rainbow looked up and saw a cloud of dust on the horizon; cows stampeding.

"STAMPEDE!" She screamed. Malibu's eyes rounded in horror, backing up in fear while the other ponies ran indoors except for Pinkie; who weirdly was enjoying the sensation of the rumbling ground.

"H-hey! T-this makes m-my v-voice s-sound s-silly!" She exclaimed in a vibrating voice. Malibu facepalmed himself with his hoof.

"Pinkie, are you crazy? Run!" Twilight screamed, while the Mayor tried calming everypony. Rarity went up, a dramatic arm over her forehead. "But Mayor, whatever shall we do?"

Malibu placed his supplies down, flying up into the air with Rainbow and saw somepony familiar; Applejack! She was trying to herd the cows away from the town with her dog, Winona. Everypony watched anxiously but with Pinkie she ate a bowl of popcorn. "This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen!" Twilight rolled her eyes.

Malibu meanwhile watched nervously from the air as Applejack used a lasso to grab the lead cow, guiding her away from the bridge leading to Ponyville. Winona followed, woofing and helping guide the cows in the direction.

Everypony cheered while Malibu grinned and flew over to Applejack who then tossed the rope away.

"Hooie! Now what was that all about?" Malibu at first wondered now if the cows could talk in this world since the ponies can. But then the question hit him: how could the dogs not talk? He scratched his head in confusion then just shrugged.

The cow at first mooed then cleared her throat. "Oh, my, begging your pardon Applejack, but Moo-riella here saw one of those nasty snakes!" Malibu shuddered a bit, not a fan of them. He heard about snakes from Maggie and didn't want to meet one anytime soon. "And it gave us all the willies don't ya know?"

The former gargoyle clone landed. "Thanks for telling us. But uh, can you make sure that Ponyville isn't in your way next time?" He suggested. The cow gave her a smile, nodding. "We sure will, you two! So long, Winona!" The dog woofed a reply. Malibu then shook Applejack's hoof.

"Thanks for saving the town, you're the best herding pony, AJ!" Malibu stated happily. Applejack blushed. "Aw, twas nothin'. But now I gotta get some chores done. See ya later, M!" The teal alicorn nodded and flew back to the town where everypony was cheering for their hero.

Pinkie Pie jumped around, grinning. "Yee Haw! Ride 'em cowpony!" Malibu chuckled. "Applejack really is something," he said. Rainbow nodded, bumping him on the shoulder. "You said it!"

The Mayor was speechless. "Applejack was just-just..." "Appletastic!" Pinkie Pie cut in. Mayor nodded. "Exactly! We absolutely have to thank Applejack for singlehoofedly saving the town!"

Pinkie Pie then suggested a party for her and the gang all pitched in to help. Malibu usually felt cheer when parties were held. He helped set up the balloons as Fluttershy and Rainbow set up the sign after he dropped off Granny Smith's supplies.

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