S4, E4 everypony! Flight To The Finish is up next!
Malibu trotted through the town of Ponyville, just enjoying how warm the day was. He also spotted Fluttershy near a bird's nest trying to teach some babies how to fly which was rather cute looking to him.
Suddenly he yelped out when Rainbow Dash zipped by, sounding rather excited from the way she was talking, Fluttershy also being startled by the entrance.
"Four more months! Four more months! Four more months!" She shrilled before showing off her excited face to Malibu.
"Uh... are you alright Dash?" Malibu asked nervously, Rainbow nodding eagerly. "I'm better than ok! But are you also excited?" She asked both him and Fluttershy.
Fluttershy lowered her ears. "Oh, my, I, uh, I could be excited. I don't really know. I wasn't really think—."
Rainbow Dash put her hooves on Fluttershy's shoulders. "Come on, you gotta be excited!"
Malibu watched Fluttershy struggle to answer. "Oh, well, I guess maybe I'm a little kinda sort of excited." Rainbow grinned, then turned to Malibu who felt his face go red. "Guess I am too. But why?"
Dash's eyes shone. "Because the next Daring Do book is coming out exactly four months from today! That's how exciting it is!"
The teal alicorn rolled his eyes but knew he felt happy for Rainbow despite her over obsession with Daring Do since they read the Sapphire Statue together. "Suppose that's one thing to be excited about." He then stated.
Rainbow Dash nodded. "So, what amazing, incredible, awesome adventure do you think Daring Do will have in her next book, huh?" Her eyes then got glazed over which looked like she was fantasizing. "Will she at long last stalk the Fortress of Talacon, only to be forced to contend with its dreaded impenetrable arrow defense? And if so, could her skill, quick wits, and courage possibly carry the day? Or, will her next adventure bring her face to face with the vast and horrible Ahuizotl himself?!"
Malibu remembered that weird creature in the books who was always Daring Do's arch rival along with Dr. Caballeron. "Will she cower, turn tail and run? Or would she fly at him, full bore, knowing full well against all odds that the greatest challenge she ever faced was still surely no match for—."
Dash had gotten carried away with her fantasizing, nearly flying into Fluttershy who gasped in fright. "Look out!" She squeaked, dodging out of the way, Rainbow crashing into the tree. The rainbow Pegasus looked rather dizzy from the crash, Malibu sighing, hoping the new book will come soon to end her over excitement.
Fluttershy looked at him. "Oh, Malibu, I'm not so sure she's gonna last another two months." Malibu picked her up. "She will, I know she will." He said, going to take her back home to rest.
It had now been only one month since the announcement of the book, and Malibu now was going to the library to visit Twilight until he saw Rainbow Dash still geeking out. "Three months, and twenty six days, three months and twenty six days, three months and twenty six days!" She squeaked.
Malibu groaned, for this had been carrying on for too long. "Come on Dashie, it's just a book. A.K. Yearling will probably write another one after this anyway and you'll just beg for that one to come too."
Rainbow Dash looked like he had hit her on the head with an anvil, her eye twitching. "How are you able to say that as another fan?!" She exclaimed as they got nearer the door. Malibu attempted to explain himself but when they opened the door, a party horn was blown into their faces.
A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.