S2 E23 everypony! MMMystery On The Friendship Express is up next!
At the Ponyville schoolhouse Malibu was walking by when he spotted his little friends leaving it looking rather depressed while some of the other colts and fillies ran out to celebrate one of the colts named Featherweight getting a Cutie Mark which was... a feather.
He went up to them. "Hey guys, you alright?" The two cmcs that were there looked back up at Malibu. "We guess. But we still can't get over that Featherweight got his cutie mark. Before us!" Sweetie Belle complained while Snips and Snails complimented over Featherweight's new mark.
Malibu was happy for Featherweight but he felt it was long overdue for Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to get theirs, so he could understand their frustration. The three moaned and sat down. "I give up..." Sweetie mumbled even though Applebloom suddenly had an idea, a smile on her face when she came along.
"I've got it! The answer to all our problems!" She announced, tossing the newspaper towards her friends. Malibu read the title. "The Foal Free Press?" He read aloud, wondering what idea could it be.
"How's the school paper gonna get us our cutie marks?" Sweetie Belle added in. Before Applebloom answered Granny Smith called to her. "Uh-Oh, that's Granny Smith. Gotta run!" She said, running to catch up to her granny.
Malibu and the other two glanced at each other in confusion. "Maybe there is something to this newspaper idea," Scootaloo concluded. Sweetie Belle shrugged. "Guess it is worth a shot. Can you help, Malibu?"
The former clone gargoyle supposed he could even if it was nothing too excited. "I guess. Let's get this thing going." He helped picked up the newspapers to go figure it all out.
They started with packing boxes for mailing, but nothing. Next was making birds nests and still nothing. The final thing was doing paper boats and hats. While on the paper boat Sweetie Belle and Scoot looked at their flanks but still no marks, sinking into the river. Thankfully it was shallow and were able to get out, all muddy.
Frustrated, the three friends returned to the clubhouse where Applebloom waited for them. She turned to see her friends covered in muck minus Malibu. "Applebloom! Your newspaper idea was nothing but a big bust!"
Scootaloo nodded. "We tried everything, from paper-mâchè to making bird's nests and nothing worked!"
What Malibu didn't expect was for Applebloom to laugh out loud, making them look somewhat shocked. "What I meant was, we should write for the paper! We can get our cutie marks as journalists!" She then put in.
That caused the other two to collapse. Malibu himself felt this idea was pretty ambitious. "You sure that is your calling?" He asked AB. She nodded. "For certain this time! Meetings for new journalists are tomorrow after school! I hope you can join us!"
"I can try. Would like to learn how the newspaper system is run here," Malibu agreed with. They all eventually went to bed that night, excited for tomorrow.
At the school, Malibu joined the after meeting when official classes ended, standing near the door to watch since he wasn't really involved because the system was for the kids. Cheerilee tapped on the desk.
"Ok, class, see you tomorrow! Oh, and for those of you who want to join the newspaper staff, stay here, because we're meeting right now!"
Applebloom looked quite excited. "Cutie marks in journalism!"
Scootaloo grinned. "Such a great idea!"
Cheerilee beamed out at everypony. "Welcome! Including you Malibu as our guest! Now, as you know, our editor-in-chief graduated last year—."

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.