Journal Lessons: Simple Ways

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S4 E13 everypony! A possible Malibu centered bonus chapter up next or Filli Vanilli, not sure yet.


Today was a big anniversary for Ponyville, as Malibu and his friends gathered with the rest of the town to watch the start of the founding of Ponyville celebration.

Malibu looked up at his mare friend who spoke up. "Wow! I can't believe how many ponies showed up!" She exclaimed.

Pinkie bounces up and down. "I can! I mean, finding out who the Ponyville Days pony of ceremonies is a pretty big deal!"

The teal alicorn looked over how many competitors were there. "It must be popular if even Derpy wants to be a part of it," He said, spotting the grey mare among them, even seeing Granny Smith as a judge.

Twilight was surprised. "I didn't know Granny Smith was on the selection committee." She said.

Applejack nodded. "Of course she is! Ponyville Days celebrates the founding of Ponyville. And she was right there." Malibu smiled, remembering when Granny Smith told her story about it, giving her a wave, and she waved back.

Pinkie Pie was all giddy. "I'm glad the committee didn't automatically pick me so everypony gets a chance to see how great being me actually is! Even though the festival's basically a party and the pony of ceremonies gets to organize the whole thing! So it'd totally make sense if they didn't pick me!"

Malibu and the others shushed her sharply since the ceremony was about to start, Mayor Mare stepping up to the mic. "Citizens of Ponyville, this year's applicants were all exceptional, but there can be only one Ponyville Days pony of ceremonies. And that pony is..." She pulled out a paper.

Pinkie had inhaled, her head expanding like a balloon, making Malibu step back, weirded out and wondering how she did that.

"Rarity!" Mayor Mare exclaimed in happiness, the white unicorn having a hoof on her cheek in surprise, her hoof then being shaken by another pony nearby. Malibu smiled, glad one of his friends was chosen. And Rarity for sure would make this a really great party.

Applejack jumped up and down. "Whoo-ee! Alright, Rarity!"

Rainbow Dash zipped through the air in a loop, "Yeah! Whoo-oo-hoo!"

Twilight gave her congratulations. "Congratulations, Rarity! Do you know what you're gonna do?"

Malibu's ears twitched at the sound of Spike hauling a huge prop of Ponyville over on a rolling table, tilting his head, Rarity smiling knowingly. "Oh, I might have a few ideas." She said.


It was now a few days until the Ponyville Days ceremony, and Rarity had been working rather hard on the plans for it. She invited the rest of the Mane 7 to come and see what her ideas were.

Malibu's wings flapped in excitement. "I can't wait to see what Rarity is gonna do!" He said to Twilight who nods. "Me too. I'm glad Rarity was picked. I know she'll add a touch of elegance to the whole thing."

Applejack grinned. "Probably more than a touch."

The group ventured into Carousel Boutique, going to the stage inside, where the lights had been dimmed. Spike came out in a fancy outfit, clearing his throat. "This year's Ponyville Days festival, designed by Rarity, will feature various high class events such as..." He flipped a paper on a stand, showing a drawing. "A silent cider auction and tasting."

"Oooh!" The girls exclaimed while Malibu licked his lips, cider being one of his favorite drinks now next to Rainbow Dash. Spike flipped the paper revealing a drawing of ponies dancing. "A Ponyville gala in town square."

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