Next Lessons: Baby Cakes/Ali-flu

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A mix of episode 11 and my own storyline. Family Appreciation Day is up next!


It was a big day in Ponyville for Mr. and Mrs. Cake, for they recently had given birth to two little babies. Malibu and his 6 friends had gone over to the Ponyville Clinic to see the newborns. Malibu himself was excited to see a newborn baby pony, having seen infants before in the Labyrinth.

The gang all peeked inside at the line of babies, all of them whispering excitedly under their breaths.

Malibu's tail swished from his excitement. "I can't wait to see them!" He said to Twilight who nodded. AJ grinned. "Can you believe the new baby is finally here?"

Twilight was looking quite happy as Malibu. "Cup Cake and Carrot Cake must be so proud!" Rarity herself wondered what the sex of the baby would be. "I wonder if it's a filly or a colt?" Malibu grinned at her. "We won't know until they show us!" He said. Pinkie Pie seemed the most excited of them all. "I wanna see the new baby pony! I wanna see! Which one is it?!"

Mr. Cake pulled back one of the blankets; revealing their son. "Meet our son, Pound Cake." Pound Cake gave a cute little yawn, spreading his tiny pegasus wings. Malibu thought it was the most adorable thing ever. Other babies were nothing compared to seeing actual newborns.

The 7 friends all awwed when seeing Pound Cake. His dad then revealed their other kid. "And our daughter, Pumpkin Cake!" But this time, the little filly turned out to be a unicorn, which was different for Malibu since their parents were both Earth Ponies.

"Huh?" They all exclaimed in surprise after seeing Pumpkin's little horn. Pinkie Pie gasped. "Two new foals for me to play with? That's two, two, two times the fun! This is the greatest day ever!" Malibu cringed from how loud she was being, for she could wake the kids.

She suddenly appeared inside the nursery, wearing a party hat. "We need to celebrate your birthday, babies, 'cause you were just born today! Woo-hoo!" Nurse Redheart showed up, shushing Pinkie Pie. "The babies are trying to sleep," She said firmly. Pinkie's ears lowered. "But—."

"Shhh!" Redheart said again, a glare on her face. Malibu was glad he wouldn't have to hear the babies crying yet. He preferred to see a happy baby than a sad one. Pinkie was silent for a few moments before trying to sing the birthday song, resulting into getting kicked out by the nurse. Malibu had to hide the laughter that was coming, though for some reason he could feel a slight tinge of a headache in him. He ignored it for now.

Applejack herself was wondering about the two little babies. "Now how in thunderation is one of them a pegasus and the other one a unicorn?" Mr. Cake smiled. "Easy. My great-great-great-great grandfather was a unicorn. And Cup Cake's great-aunt's second cousin twice removed was a pegasus. That makes sense, right?"

Malibu smiled slightly, still a little confused about how all this worked with ponies, shrugging and nodding. Rainbow Dash looked happy that Pound was a pegasus. "Aw yeah! Heh, just you wait! Once little Pound Cake there gets his wings going, he'll be all over the place!" She zipped around quietly as a demonstration.

"And be careful around Pumpkin Cake," Twilight warned. Rarity nodded. "Baby unicorns get strange magic surges that come and go." This interested the teal alicorn quite a bit when learning about baby ponies, but suddenly the headache feeling was back, a little stronger this time, making him rub his head.

AJ noticed. "You alright, sugarcube?" Malibu groaned slightly, nodding, shaking his head again, trying to keep himself from feeling dizzy. Pinkie Pie went into the nursery again with a cake that had no candles. "Quick! Make a wish and blow out the candles! Which is easy, 'cause there are zero candles! You are zero years old after all!"

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