S2 E22 everypony! Ponyville Confidential is up next!
Malibu one day was just sitting on a bench in Ponyville, enjoying the sun, wishing the other gargoyles at home could be in the sun like him.
But then he yelped when a piece of paper fell on his head, using his magic to read it. "Mandatory meeting for all Ponyville Pegasi?" Malibu read to himself in interest, looking up towards the sky now to see his marefriend Rainbow Dash throwing out some more papers for the other pegasi around town.
"Library, tonight! Be cool or be mule!" She flew down to a mule nearby. "No offense," Dash apologized, making Malibu laugh a little.
"None taken," The mule said, still smiling. Malibu figured it couldn't hurt tos see what this meeting was, especially if it involved every pegasus here in his hometown. Maybe he could offer to help as well.
Later in the evening he stepped into the Golden Oaks library with every other pegasus, Twilight and Spike having set up a projection reel. He sat down in the front row next to another mare named Flitter.
"You know what's going on?" He asked her who shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe the reel will explain," She whispered back as the film started. Malibu watched with rapt attention, old timey music playing with the reel.
"Every living thing depends on the life-giving nourishment of rainwater, and it is up to Cloudsdale to provide rain-filled clouds to every corner of Equestria. But how, one pony might ask, does Cloudsdale gather all this extra water? Tornado power! That's right, Pegasi-driven tornado power. A team of Pegasi combine their wing power to create a jumbo tornado, powerful enough to pull water out of the local reservoir and funnel it all the way up to Cloudsdale. Remember, Pegasi, your jumbo tornado must reach a minimum of eight hundred wing power to lift that water up to Cloudsdale. So, the next time you're wondering "Where does all that extra rainwater come from?", just remem–."
Malibu blinked, seeing the picture being broken up as the crowd chattered in confusion, which revealed to be Spike's doing from him messing with the video reel. He laughed nervously. "Uh, intermission?" He asked jokingly, making Malibu roll his eyes.
But inside he was interested in this 'tornado power' deal if it meant Equestria would have more rain soon. It really needed it too. He looked to see Rainbow Dash fly up above the crowd.
"So here's the scoop: Cloudsdale has chosen our highland reservoir as a source of the rain water they need for all of Equestria. And you know what that means. It means it's up to Ponyville's Pegasi to bring that water up to Cloudsdale!" She revealed.
Malibu felt excitement from that idea, hoping his marefriend will let him participate. He could hear the others chattering excitedly. Dash continued. "Not only that, but Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts, will be here to oversee the water transfer and record our top tornado windspeed!" Dash said, pulling down a poster of Spitfire.
She pulled out more papers. "Now last year, Fillydelphia broke the windspeed record with a top speed of nine hundred and ten wing power. But I think we can do better. I think we can get a top speed over a thousand!" Rainbow Dash said with a confident smile, Malibu's heart thumping with his love for her confidence.
He heard other ponies cheer besides one who was sitting behind him, which was Fluttershy. Malibu glanced around, spotting her there looking nervous.
"...if, each and everypony trains, and trains hard to get their wing power numbers up!" Rainbow added in next, until she and Malibu heard coughing that came from a stallion named Thunderlane. "That coughing better be from a popcorn kernel, Thunderlane! Nopony's getting sick on my watch!" Malibu saw Thunderlane grin nervously from her words.

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.