S1 Ep 11! Call of the Cutie up next!
A whole year had now gone by since Malibu decided to live in Ponyville, and now it was Spring again. Malibu had decided to spend the night with Twilight that evening, snoozing in his bed around 5:30 in the morning. But then he heard a gasp, waking him up. It was Twilight.
"Spike! Malibu! Wake up! Wake up! It's Winter Wrap Up Day!" She cheered. Malibu rubbed his eyes. He had heard of it from his mom and Applejack before but it felt too early to start, hence still being dark out.
Spike had groaned when waking too, Twilight in his face. "Mommy?" He mumbled. It made the tired Malibu chuckle a little though he wondered who Spike's birth parents were. Twilight glared. "Winter Wrap Up!" She then rushed to get her things for the social event. "You're not mommy," Spike grumbled, sleeping again.
Malibu reluctantly sat up. "Twi... Mom hasn't raised the sun... you're really pushing it to start here," he said, eyes fluttering and he rubbed them. Twilight shook her head, putting her scarf on. "Guys, the first day of spring is tomorrow. So everypony in Ponyville needs to clean up winter. So help me get ready!" She jumped into her shoes.
The teal alicorn glanced at Spike who had woken again. "Ugh, clean up winter? Who cleans up winter? Don't they just use magic to change the seasons like they do in Canterlot?" Spike asked in annoyance. Twilight gave him an offended look.
"No, Spike. Ponyville was started by Earth Ponies. So for hundreds of years they've never needed magic to clean up winter. It's traditional!" She tried putting on her saddle jacket but it fell off from not tightening it well enough, making Malibu chuckle a little. His friend was goofy sometimes.
Spike just rolled his eyes. "Ridiculous! No magic... feh." He then curled up again. Malibu folded his hooves. "Twilight, no pony is even up yet-" he began before being interrupted by a checklist.
"Ok, scarf, check! Saddle; check! Boots; check! Spike not waking up and going back to sleep; check!" She gave Malibu a grin. "It's a good thing I'm so organized, I'm ready! Bright and early!" She opened her door, and saw the empty town, tinges of red showing on her cheeks.
Malibu gave Twilight an 'I told you so' expression, causing her to shrink in embarrassment. "Oh, maybe you were right," she said. "C'mon Twi, let's get a bit more sleep in until Mom raises the sun," Malibu suggested, covering himself up again and fell asleep. Twilight reluctantly agreed but followed in his wake.
Later in the morning, right as the sun came up Twilight woke her friends again, the trio heading into town after breakfast to see the rest of the ponies gathered. Malibu's heart quickened a little in interest of this little social gathering. Mayor Mare was standing there getting ready to speak while Twilight awed at the outfits.
"Cool outfits," Malibu remarked while Twilight nodded. "Yes, they must be the team vests Rarity designed." Malibu then recognized the designs on them, nodding. "Blue for the weather team, green for the plant team, and tan for the animal team!"
Malibu felt a little overwhelmed by this. "Dunno where I would be, not sure of my own skills in partaking in this thing," he said shyly. Twilight just smiled, not even listening. "I wonder which team vest I'll be wearing!" Spike glanced up from her back. "I'll take a blue vest; the same color as my blanket. I think I hear it calling my name. 'Spike? Spike! Come to bed!'"
The teal alicorn smiled at Spike. "C'mon Spike, live a little," he said. But Spike just glared tiredly. "Ugh, it's too early to," he mumbled. The three of them gathered with the others. AJ had spotted Malibu, walking over. "Good mornin' sugarcube! Is this your first Winter Wrap Up?" Malibu nodded shyly. "Y-yeah," he replied. Applejack smiled assuringly. "Don' worry, I'll teach ya the ropes!" She promised, standing next to him while Mayor Mare began her speech.

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.