First Lessons: Swarm of the Century

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S1 E10! Winter Wrap Up is next!


Malibu was out with Fluttershy, helping her gather flowers to give to his mother who was coming to Ponyville. He was excited to hear the news for it had been two months since his deciding to live here. Fluttershy could see the excited and happy look on her friend's face.

"You seem rather excited, Malibu," she said in her shy voice. Malibu nodded. "Yeah. I plan to give mother a big hug when she comes."

Fluttershy smiled at that notion. "Thank you... for helping me with the flowers," she said. Malibu looked at her with friendly eyes. "Anything for my friends," he said. A squirrel came up with a dead dandelion. Fluttershy giggled.

"Thank you, little squirrel. But these flowers are for Princess Celestia. Only the prettiest ones would do." The seeds got blown away by the wind then. Malibu chuckled softly from the squirrel's expression and then it ran away. "Well, I give him A for effort," he stated, until suddenly a strange chirp sounded from a rock.

It made Fluttershy yelp, hiding behind her flower bucket while Malibu's eyes glowed red; wings out. But all that was there was an odd little insect creature who revealed itself. It had bright teal blue eyes and was orange colored, with see through wings. The insect chirruped at them, eyes looking rather cute to Malibu.

Malibu tilted his head. "Huh, Fluttershy, do you know what this thing is?" Flutter shook her head. "No. But hello little guy. We've never seen anything quite like you before!" She cooed, the insect fluttering around them. It saw the apple bucket, sniffing and cooing sadly. It got Malibu's attention that it was hungry. He levitated an apple up.

"Here, you hungry?" He asked, mushing the apple and backing up. The insect ignored the one apple and instead ate all of the apples in the bucket, startling the two of them.

Wha...? Malibu gawked in surprise while the insect gave him his attention, purring and rubbing against his neck. His shocked face then it turned into a blush. Fluttershy smiled.

"Guess he was hungry. Plus he seems to like you," she said. Malibu chuckled a little, going to pet the insect who purred from his touch. "I suppose you are adorable," he admitted. Fluttershy had an idea. "We gotta show him to our friends!" She suggested. Malibu nodded. "Maybe Twilight would know what it is," he said.

The two walked off back to town, headed to Sugarcube Corner, where Malibu saw that Pinkie had gorged herself on the sweets meant for his mother. But he ignored that right now.

"Hey, Twi! Sorry if we're bothering your planning," he said. Pinkie Pie shook her head. "Not at all! Come on in and make yourself at home!" She said, eating a whole cake in one go. Malibu rolled his eyes at that.

Twilight came up. "What is it?" She asked. Fluttershy was excited. "You wouldn't believe what me and Malibu found at the edge of the Everfree," she said. Malibu looked at his friend who was in his tail. "It's alright, you can come out," he said gently. But to his shock; instead of just one, there were three that showed out of his tail. But how?

"Three?" Fluttershy gasped. Malibu's ears flattened. "I-I thought we only found one..." he said nervously. Twilight seemed unfazed, too busy looking at how cute they are. "They're amazing! What are they?" She asked. Malibu now felt worried that even Twilight didn't know what they were.

"Well, uh, we happened accross this little guy, but don't know about the other two," he said. Twilight suddenly took one from him. "I'll take one off your hooves, Malibu. I've never seen anything so, adorable!" She said, cuddling with it. Malibu liked seeing Twilight happy, as he too smiled when his orange insect cuddled with him again. "Besides, it'll be nice to have a companion for Spike so he won't bother me so much while I'm studying," Twilight then finished.

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