Starter Lessons: The Cutie Mark Chronicles

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S1 E23 everypony! Owls Well that Ends Well is up next!


Malibu had managed to heal well through the weeks at the hospital since the Timberwolf incident and was now back on his feet once again. His mom had returned to Canterlot and he looked forward to writing the next letter to her.

He was wandering a field near some woods that wasn't the Everfree taking in the fresh air after being cooped up in the hospital. But to his surprise the alicorn heard screaming, the screaming of three fillies.

It has to be the Crusaders again. What have they been up to? Malibu thought to himself as he ran in the direction of his little friend's voices, until he saw the three of them doing a crazy trick with a rope that he learned was called zip lining. They got stuck in the middle of the rope which snapped and the CMCs all screamed again when falling.

"I'm coming, girls!" Malibu shouted, taking to the air and managing to catch all three with his magic. They stopped screaming at the sight of their savior.

"M-Malibu! I... we can explain..." Said Scootaloo, chuckling nervously. They were all covered in tree sap so Malibu figured they would have to be cleaned up or else Applejack and Rarity would have a fit.

He landed them safely on the ground. Applebloom looked at her friends. "See anything?" Scoot glanced at her flank. "Tree sap and pine needles but no cutie mark," She muttered. Malibu face palmed himself. "So this was what this dangerous stunt was?" Sweetie Belle nodded. "Though I didn't want to really get a cutie mark in zip lining," She insisted, causing the other two to give her looks.

"Plan B?" Applebloom asked Scootaloo. She grinned. "Yeah, you know where we can find a cannon at this hour?" The other two cringed while Malibu's eyes flashed. "No. Definitely not a good idea," He said firmly, causing her to look down in disappointment.

They threw off their equipment. "It's no use, no matter how many times we try we still end up without our cutie marks. And surprisingly often covered in tree sap," Scootaloo complained. Malibu tried to smile. "You will get them, I know you will," He assured. Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, and maybe we should do something less dangerous. Like pillow testing or flower snipping."

Malibu got a bucket of water and a towel for them to clean themselves. "This town is full of ponies who have their cutie marks. Why don't we ask them how they did it?"

Sweetie Belle dried herself off. "That's a great safe idea." The alicorn agreed. "Yep, and you can get interesting stories too."

"Yeah!" Scootaloo said. "And we can start with the coolest pony in Ponyville."

"Applejack!" Applebloom suggested.

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cheered.

Scootaloo shook her head. "Come on, guys. I said 'cool'! You know who I'm talking about. She's fast. She's tough!" Scootaloo took a short run on her scooter, kicking the water bucket. "She's not afraid of anything!" The filly wasn't aware she still had sap on her front hooves.

Her two friends looked at each other, Malibu having a deadpanned look on his face. "Pinkie Pie?"

"No! The greatest flyer ever to come out of Cloudsdale!"


Malibu swished his tail. "C'mon, she's talking about Rainbow Dash!" He snapped, liking the idea of hearing about how his marefriend earned her cutie mark. The two others nodded. "Oh, yeah, that makes much more sense."

Scootaloo raised her hooves in the air. "Let's do it. Let's find out about how Rainbow Dash earned her cutie mark!" Malibu saw the sap still there and tried to warn them but too late as they high fived, getting stuck. Laughing, Malibu managed to pull them gently apart, washing Scootaloo's hooves. "Let's go."

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