S3 E10 Everypony! Just For Sidekicks is up next!
During another evening in Sweet Apple Acres Malibu had a bad dream. He dreamt of being back in that horrible maze from that time long ago, Discord attempting to brainwash his head into being anti-love, trying to run away from the demonic draconequus.
Eventually Malibu yelped aloud, sweating when waking up, trembling all over, seeing he was safe in his room. Applejack had opened the door when hearing him cry out, a look of concern on her face.
"Everything alright, sugarcube?" She asked. Malibu shrugged a little.
"Just a dream about... Discord still being alive. He was trying to... zap my head again," Malibu said shakily.
Applejack smiled softly, a hoof on his. "Discord is still in stone, Malibu. He won't be comin' back for a while. But ah hope you're ready for your mom coming to see us."
Malibu grinned now. He was looking forward to seeing her but still wondered why she was doing so. "For sure. Guess I'll have to get some more sleep then."
Applejack went her way back out. "I'll see you in the mornin'. Hope you won't have more nightmares."
Malibu nodded, sinking into his pillow, trying not to think about Discord anymore after that, his eyes closing in a dreamless sleep finally.
In the bright early morning, the Mane 7 gathered outside of Ponyville in a field waiting for Celestia's arrival.
Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down while Malibu paced, watching the skies for her carriage. "I love it when Princess Celestia comes to Ponyville! I got my hooves shined just for the occasion! You like?" She showed off her surprisingly shiny hooves to Rarity who smiled into them.
"I most certainly do," She complimented, staring at herself into them, Malibu rolling his eyes but still smiling. "I'm surprised she's not here yet," Twilight complimented.
"Yeah, it's weird." Malibu said thoughtfully, glancing up again, tail swishing anxiously.
"I wonder what's taking so long?" Spike said in a sigh.
Twilight glanced around for the missing members of their group. "And where are Applejack and Fluttershy?"
"There's some small problem Fluttershy is helping Applejack with back at the barn," Malibu explained, remembering the beaver dam incident.
Spike paced. "But, I still don't get why your mom would be so late Mal." He brought up again.
Twilight put a hoof on her chin. "She's bringing an important visitor. That could be part of it."
Malibu was stunned. Why didn't Celestia tell him who it was she was bringing? Was it some kind of test? Who could it even be?
"A visitor who is important and slow..." Rainbow Dash grumbled, Malibu agreeing with her. All this waiting was making him anxious even further.
Rarity gave them all a smile. "Maybe it is sompony so terribly important, she still had many terribly important things to do before she got here," She assumed.
Spike then gasped, eyes popped while pulling Twilight's tail. "Maybe the visitor has a deer antler, a goat leg, a bat wing, and a snake tail!"
Malibu heard that description, growling. "No way in hell it could be Discord. Mom would never bring him to Ponyville!" He said angrily.
"I have to agree with Malibu on that. Why would the Princess even bring along somepony like that?" Rarity questioned.
Spike was now shaking. "M-m-maybe you should ask... her!" He squeaked, pointing.

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.