First Lessons: The Show Stoppers

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S1 E18 Everypony! A Dog And Pony Show is up next. Plus we're nearing the home run of season one! excited!


The once gargoyle clone Malibu was sitting under an apple tree in Sweet Apple Acers, pondering what his old clan was up to back in New York when he heard the voices of Applejack and the cmcs. He stood up and followed, wondering what was up.

"Where are you takin' us?" Applebloom asked. He saw Applejack grinning while leading them through the trees. "We're almost there young'uns."

Malibu managed to catch up. "What's going on?" He asked. The orange earth pony grinned. "Got a surprise for your friends, if you want to see." Applebloom groaned. "Are we there yet?" She asked.

"There? Where what? I don't even know what we're doing!" Sweetie Belle complained, Scootaloo nodding. Soon Applejack revealed the surprise.

"Here we are!" She exclaimed. Malibu tilted his head, staring at an old tree house. "What are we lookin' at?" Questioned Applebloom. Scootaloo shook her head. "I have no idea." "What is that thing?" Sweetie muttered.

Applejack stood proudly near the treehouse. "Cutie Mark Crusaders? Welcome to your new clubhouse!" Malibu wasn't so sure, it looked rather worn down. "Are you sure AJ?" He said in some doubt. She glanced at the four, frowning a little. "Well don't thank me all at once. This was my clubhouse when I was your age." She explained to the fillies. "Sure it hasn't been used in a while, but it's empty and on a secluded private part of the farm, and it is all yours. It just needs a little... uh..." She cleared her throat. "TLC."

Malibu turned to the others as Scootaloo spoke under her breath. "TLC as in tender loving care or totally lost cause?" He couldn't help the smile that came, shaking his head. Applebloom walked up to her sister. "Applejack! We're supposed to turn this into our new clubhouse?" Applejack gave a nervous smile. "Well, maybe y'all will get your cutie marks when you discover your talent for... waaah!"

She had leaned on the door which broke, causing her to fall in. Malibu cringed from the crash but she emerged slightly unscathed. "Uh, house cleaning?" Malibu climbed up the steps to help her to her feet. "I think I could probably help them rebuild your treehouse, and it'll look just like new," He offered, seeing his little friends faces beaming at his suggestion. This will make building lots faster.


And so they began the building of the tree house with Scootaloo bringing back some extra supplies on her scooter. She came to a halt by the tree house, Malibu smiling at her skills while he used his magic to paint the outside wall of the tree house. "Whoa! Hi Scootaloo! You're amazing on that scooter!" Applebloom greeted as Scootaloo removed her helmet.

"Thanks! Wow, Applebloom! You did all this?" Applebloom nodded. "Yup! Me and Mal fixed the broken shutters, sanded off the splinters, rebuilt the roof, painted..."

Malibu finished the last bits of his painting task and put the paint away. "Was a challenge but we did it," He proclaimed, the clubhouse shined on by the sun on it's coat of paint. Scootaloo smiled. "Whoa, that's so cool. What's Sweetie Belle up to?"

The three could hear a humming from afar, and went to find the white filly. She was dusting a table to place into the house with her tail. "We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders..." she hummed in that voice Malibu began liking more, even if she sang a bit too loud when they had that past sleepover.

"Never stop the journey..." Sweetie hummed some more until seeing her friends. "There you are, Sweetie Belle! See? I told you we could find her by following her totally awesome voice!"

Malibu smiled at her. "What are you singing?" He asked. Sweetie Belle flushed. "Oh, I was working on our new Cutie Mark Crusader's theme song."

"Cool!" Both Scootaloo and Applebloom exclaimed. Malibu himself thought that seemed pretty nice. "Teach us?" Scootaloo asked. "Sure!" Sweetie Belle agreed.

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