S4 E2 everypony! Castle Mane-ia is up next!
Sorry about the long wait, we had a pretty bad internet black out for 3 and a half weeks but I'll try to be more frequent with my stories when I can.
"AHAHAHA, HAHAHA!" Shrilled Nightmare Moon while still laughing before her face switched drastically into a glare, making Malibu back away in dread, wondering what provoked his aunt into going back into Nightmare Moon!
Nightmare shot her magic at the ceiling, Malibu gasping in fright at the debris falling and ducked out of the way, cowering a little as Nightmare stepped out of the cloud of smoke. Some more hoofsteps sounded and Malibu now saw… his mother.
He glanced back at Nightmare, wanting to stop his family from fighting any further. "Auntie Luna! Think of how long you got banished to the moon! I don't want you to go back there! Please!" He screamed, tears falling down his face.
Celestia spoke up after he did. "Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!" She roared.
Nightmare frowned, her eyes utterly evil which sometimes still reminded Malibu of Thailog's former mate Demona. "Luna? I am... Nightmare Moon!" His ears flattened. This felt hopeless. "I have but one royal duty now; to destroy you!" The midnight blue alicorn shot her evil magic near Celestia, Malibu ducking again as Celestia dodged, flying out of the hole in the ceiling.
"And where do you think you're going?!" Nightmare sneered, taking off after her. Malibu frowned, knowing he had to follow and save his mom, flying into the air after them both, Nightmare continuing to shoot magic at Celestia.
It kept up, flying all around the old castle that Malibu didn't even recognize which looked quite old, wondering why his mom didn't tell him about it at all, but then his heart stopped when a magic beam shot at his mom right in her side, making her scream in agony, falling down into another building in the castle.
Malibu's ears rang, tears flooded down his face. "NNOOOOO!" He shrieked, soaring down after the white alicorn while Nightmare hovered above in the air near the moon, laughing sadistically in triumph, now thinking she could rule it all in her eternal night.
Landing near where his mom fell, Malibu weakly stepped over, his face wet with tears, seeing her lying there very still. "Mom... mom..." he croaked, shaking badly. "Why would... my aunt do this again?" Malibu knelt down, sniffling, and tried to touch her body. But to his surprise, his hoof went right through it like an illusion.
"What? What's going on?" Malibu rasped, trying to feel again but it still wasn't working. Was all of this just some kind of memory? It had to be. After staring at his mother's fallen form for a while; she suddenly stood up weakly.
It made Malibu smile in happiness and relief that she survived but wished he could talk to her as Celestia spoke. "Oh dear sister, I am sorry. You have given me no choice, but to use these..."
She used her magic to open a mysterious secret door in the ground, Malibu staring in awe as he saw something familiar: The Elements.
"Those have to be the Elements from back then, when you banished Aunt Luna," He whispered, staring at his own indigo one on the pedestal that was shaped like a plain gem. Celestia flew up, levitating the Elements over to her, Malibu spotting Twilight's appearing but still looking like her cutie mark.
He stayed put down on the ground this time as the Elements swirled around his mother, watching her somehow use them by herself, creating a protective shield, soaring into the sky to confront her sister. Malibu sheilded his gaze, watching Nightmare Moon charge up her own dark magic, Celestia directing the Element's magic at her target while she cried, the rainbow laser barreling in her direction.

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.