My first long chapter MLP fanfiction, and wanted to write about one of the gargoyle clones too. Takes place a month or two after The Reckoning.
Ever since the chaos at Coney Island in New York when Thailog created the clones to destroy Goliath and his clan, Talon had taken them in to help them better their speaking language and how not to be mean.
In their new home in the Labyrinth, Malibu among his fellow clones, for some reason always felt out of place there, since he felt like he caused more damage than his 'brothers', often being moody out by the tracks, not even bothering to take part in Maggie's language classes.
He sat there, pondering the events of what had occured, often shuddering whenever Thailog's laugh echoed in his head, his childlike mind never wanting to see him ever again.
Malibu wished he had the courage to make friends now and to feel like he belonged, tossing a rock against the wall. Suddenly a bright violet glow came from a wall, startling him.
"What... that?" Malibu asked in his child language, wandering over to a wall that had a broken brick inside with the glowing whatever it was in there. Using his talons, Malibu dug at the wall, trying to pull out the brick which was rather difficult, but managed to in the end.
His red eyes rounded at the sight of a strange star like gem inside, that was glowing like it was on some kind of power. Malibu felt his teal talons reach for it, curiosity getting the better of him.
"Malibu? Where are you? You know you can't wander off!" Called Maggie's stern voice, for she didn't completely trust the clones especially Delilah, but Malibu didn't hear when grabbing the gem, holding it up to his eyes, tilting his head curiously.
He yelped, the gem suddenly bursting with more light, a rainbow shooting out. The only time Malibu saw a rainbow was on tv. The ground shook underneath his feet, the rainbow beginning to swirl around him, which happened to be the Rainbow of Light.
"Ah! Let Malibu go!" Shouted the clone, unable to throw the gem away, but it was no use, the rainbow consuming him, making his eyes dizzy.
Malibu could also feel himself morphing, but it was so bright he couldn't see it well, soon his vision faded away, and turned black.
Some time later, Malibu opened his eyes, feeling a massive headache, hearing voices and birds tweeting around him.
He went to rub his head, but wound up feeling something else other than his horns, that weren't there. Only one singular horn was present and it didn't feel normal. Malibu gasped a little as well as staring at his hands that didn't feel like hands anymore. There weren't even anymore fingers!
"What? What?" Malibu whimpered, turning around, walking on all fours, seeing a tail that was all hairy, a red cross on his behind, and thankfully two wings. But not his leathery ones. They were replaced with the feathery type. And his beak was gone too.
The other creatures around there began noticing him while Malibu ran out into the streets in his panic, no clue where he was, wondering if the gem had something to do with it, hearing the creatures muttering at him.
Malibu gotta get out of here! Need help! He cried in desperation, feeling himself raise his wings, taking off, yelping aloud, the creatures that were ponies crying out at the sight, having only known their rulers to be both unicorn and pegasus. Two guards nearby saw the commotion and ran to address it.
The teal gargoyle lost control and landed, groaning in pain, having bent his wing when landing, hearing the guards coming, the equines in armor holding spears. This scared Malibu big time, red eyes glowing, and his horn lit up with red magic; shooting right at the guards, knocking them off their feet.
What happened? Is Malibu cursed? How did Malibu do this? The clone asked in fear in his head, running before soon tripping on his feet, hitting against the wall, groaning.
The guards all managed to get back up on their feet, following this strange new alicorn that had appeared so suddenly, wanting to catch him.
They cornered the alicorn seemingly shorter in size than the princesses, watching him cower, eyes frightened like a child. Since Thailog wasn't using him for evil anymore he really was like a child.
"Hey, easy there, we don't want to hurt you," The first guard said gently, raising his hoof. Malibu frowned. "Want to hurt Malibu, stay back..." He slurred, his stress getting to him, head hurting, and soon, he fainted again for the second time.
The first guard shook his head, turning to the others. "Tell the Princess that we found something she needs to see. And bring him to the castle medic wing." The second nodded, lifting Malibu with his magic onto his back, bringing him to the castle.
Inside the ruler of the world Equestria Malibu had been sent to named Princess Celestia was going through her notes until one guard ran in, looking serious. "Your Highness, urgent news." Celestia looked up in curiosity. "Yes? What is it?"
The guard pawed the ground. "Y-You'd better come and look. It is something we've never seen before."
Celestia nodded, following the guard that led her to the medic wing, where in one room a nurse mare was looking over somepony in the bed.
The nurse was looking quite flustered. "It's just incredible, Princess. Never up until now has there been an alicorn not from royal blood and male since your lost brother," She said, revealing the wings on the unicorn's back. Celestia gasped. This was the most unique looking pony she had ever seen. He had teal fur, and a gray mane, whimpering softly in his sleep.
Where did he come from? Celestia asked softly to herself, putting a hoof on his blankets. "Watch him until he wakes, I have some questions for him," The white alicorn said to the nurse who nodded, wondering what his story would be.
The beauty of editing on Fanfiction. Decided too that my first two chapters were a little bit cheesy and full of fluff so I did my best to reword them and make it a little more professional now that I have better writing equipment with my iPad Pro and iPad keyboard.

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.