S1 E17 Everypony! The Show Stoppers is up next!
Things in Ponyville were carrying on as normal, Malibu living his best life there in that little town even being the only alicorn. But it didn't bother him since he had good friends and that he knew he wasn't truly a pony by birth anyway. One day he spotted Fluttershy carrying a basket on her back. He went up to her.
"What's in the basket, Fluttershy?" He asked curiously. The yellow pegasus smiled shyly, lifting the top and revealing Rarity's white cat Opalescence inside, her usual look on her face. "I was grooming Rarity's cat, she comes back today. You want to come with me?" Malibu nodded, always enjoying what new outfits Rarity made, and she usually asked him to model for alicorn clothing sometimes.
The two friends made their way to Carousel Boutique, where Fluttershy rang the doorbell. When nobody answered it was soon why when hearing a loud crash inside. Malibu's ears fell a little at that. "Perhaps we should just take a peek to make sure she's ok?" He asked. Fluttershy nodded. The two opened the door, seeing a big mess inside and Rarity trying to clean it. "Oh, what now?!" Rarity screamed when she had heard the door bell.
She only saw that it was just Malibu and Fluttershy, sighing in relief. "Fluttershy, forgive me! And welcome back Malibu! I was so wrapped up in my work that I forgot that you were bringing Opalescence back from her grooming!"
Fluttershy smiled. "No worries, Rarity, I left her in the basket," She said, Opalescence appeared out of the basket, jumping out and showing off her groomed fur. "Oh, she looks great!" Rarity complimented. "I just don't understand how you do it! I can't get near her without getting a swipe from her claws," She said when trying to pet Opalescence but the cat hissed and tried to scratch the white unicorn who yelped and backed away.
Malibu cringed a bit, knowing his own experience with this demented cat once when she scratched his hoof, taking hint to stay away and sometimes felt jealous of Fluttershy's animal experience. But then Rarity had a slight nervous look. "Oh, did you use... the stare on her?" Fluttershy gasped at that. "Oh no! I couldn't! I wouldn't! I-I don't really have any control over when it happens, it just happens. No, I'm just good with animals. It's my special gift you know."
She petted Opal from her words. Malibu chuckled. "We all know that, Flutter," He complimented, though was curious about this stare thing that the girls brought up. Rarity smiled too. "Well, you should have a picture of Opal as a cutie mark instead of those butterflies," She joked, making the three laugh.
Malibu spotted Sweetie Belle walking up to Opal. "Ooh! Ooh! Maybe I can be great with animals too!" The answer to that was Opal swiping her claws, cutting off one of her mane curls, a cat grin on her face. Sweetie Belle backed away. "Or not..." For Malibu knew that his little trio of friends were still looking for their cutie marks and wondered when that day would come.
Rarity stood up to return to work. "I'm sorry I can't invite you two to stay and chat, I've bitten off more than I could chew with this order." Sweetie looked confused. "But you're not eating anything!" Malibu rolled his eyes but smiled. "I think she's just saying an expression," He said, as Rarity nodded. "Yes, it means I've taken on more work than I can handle. I've got twenty of these special robes to make tonight! They're due in Trottingham tomorrow morning!"
Fluttershy and Malibu spotted the capes on the prop dummies, all sparkling with gold silk. They were rather eye catching. "I lined them with this special gold silk. It took so long to make but I think it adds just the right touch; don't you?" She displayed the underside with the gold better. Malibu had to agree. "Oh yes," Fluttershy said. "These are lovely. But twenty by tonight? How will you get it all done?"

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanficMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.