First Lessons: Sonic Rainboom

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S1 E16 everypony! Stare Master up next!


Out in an open field Malibu was there with his mare friend Rainbow Dash who was helping Fluttershy with her cheering so she could cheer Rainbow on in an upcoming competition. Malibu himself mostly stood to the side, to ensure Rainbow didn't get hurt during her training.

"Now, what have we learned?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy shied slightly. "Loss of control." Dash nodded. "Good."

"Screaming and hollering."

"Yes, and most importantly?"

Fluttershy stood herself up straight. "Passion!" Malibu grinned, liking it when Fluttershy gets brave like when she stood up to the dragon. Rainbow landed since she had been flying a couple inches off the ground. "Right! So now that you know the elements of a good cheer; let's hear one!"

Malibu watched, as Fluttershy took a deep breath... but... "yay." It hardly came out as a whisper. He hoof palmed himself in the face. Not once had he ever heard Fluttershy cheer loudly when not screaming in terror. "Ugh! You're gonna cheer for me on that?" Rainbow grumbled. Malibu put his hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "C'mon, Flutter, you can do it," He encouraged. Fluttershy blushed.




"LOUDER!" Rainbow Dash screamed, making Malibu cringe from her ear piercing scream, ears lowered. Fluttershy again gave a huge inhale, but did her tiny yay once again. He sighed, collapsing on his bottom. This was gonna take a lot of work. Rainbow had fallen on her back. Fluttershy tilted her head. "Too loud?" She asked. Malibu shook his head. "No, you just need to practice harder, the competition is not that far away."

For the Best Young Flier's Competition in Cloudsdale was on its way and Rainbow had invited him to come to watch her compete since she signed up for it.

Eventually Rainbow Dash began to get herself training again, which included these three routines: swerving in between trees, making clouds spin, and the most difficult challenge of all: The Sonic Rainboom.

Malibu and Fluttershy watched from below as Rainbow flew high into the sky. "Yay," Fluttershy said in her shy voice still. Malibu's ears fell a bit but he nodded at Dash to start. She smiled, zooming down and swerving through the line of trees in record speed.

Next she flew towards three clouds, flying around them, and they spun very fast, making his own hair and Fluttershy's blow in the wind. "Way to go!" Flutter continued, still in her soft tone. Malibu nudged her gently. "Come one, you can do just one loud cheer, I know you can." Fluttershy flushed but looked upward, the two seeing Dash soaring sky high for her Sonic Rainboom.

Malibu felt tensed, wondering if she could do it. Rainbow had told her of the legendary Rainboom which was breaking the sound and light barrier. I could never do that, he thought to himself, and Rainbow began her nose dive, zipping down super fast, baring her teeth, looking determined. But as she was about to do it, something went wrong, sending her catapulting away.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy whimpered, her ears flat, as she and Malibu quickly flew after to make sure she didn't get hurt. They went to the Golden Oaks library where Rainbow Dash had crashed into through the window, messing up a cleaning job Twilight and the others were doing. Malibu and Fluttershy both went inside. "Rainbow Dash, you rock, woo hoo!" She whispered. "Oh, did my cheering do that?"

The clone gargoyle, looked apologetic, going inside and finding Twilight covered in books. "Sorry Twi, we were helping Rainbow practice," He said while pulling her to her hooves. She gave Rainbow a look as Rainbow shook some books off of her back too. "Heh, sorry guys. That was a truly feeble performance."

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