S2 E4, Luna Eclipsed everypony! Sisterhooves Social is up next!It was a late October night in Ponyville, which tonight happens to be one of the biggest holidays of the year. Malibu had decided for the ocassion he was gonna dress up as a timberwolf after Applejack explained the ins and outs of Nightmare Night, their holiday.
He guessed in a way it could be a holiday to celebrate the defeat of his aunt's evil side, while walking downstairs from his room Malibu saw Applejack dressed as a scarecrow, pushing a bucket of water and apples outside to the town. Malibu went over. "Maybe I can help," He said, using his magic to lift it. Applejack sighed in relief, nodding to him.
"Thank ya kindly, Mal. And great costume." Malibu grinned awkwardly, looking down at it which was mostly pieces of timber and other wood strapped to him and he was wearing dog ears too. "Nothing much," The teal alicorn said sheepishly, recalling back to when a Timberwolf nearly poisoned him, which deemed scary enough for the evening.
"Ya ready to celebrate?" Applejack asked in excitement. Malibu nodded. "For sure. I love Hearth's Warming. Maybe this will be just as fun!" Applejack winked at him. "You betcha it will! Now let's get to that there party!"
The duo along with Applebloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith went together into Ponyville where Malibu could see all the residents in different outfits, along with many Nightmare Night decor and food stands. His belly rumbled, for he sure could use some food and candy. Malibu remembered how his doner Brooklyn had always gotten excited for Earth's similar holiday Halloween. And the fact that he could celebrate a night similar to this one was pretty awesome to Malibu.
Granny Smith took Applebloom to do trick or treating while Big Mac helped him and AJ set up their bobbing for apples. Ponies soon came to join in on the fun including one Derpy Hooves. She walked up to Malibu, her eyes cross eyed but friendly.
"Hello... Malibu, isn't it?" Malibu nodded in greeting to the gray mare, who had bubbles for her cutie mark. "Happy Nightmare Night, Derpy. You want to bob for apples?" Derpy looked excited. "Oh yeah. Would love to!" She said, stepping up to the apple bobbing bucket.
Malibu stood there for a while enjoying the scenery when suddenly a huge lightning flash sounded, making him yelp aloud, zipping into the air, only to hear Rainbow Dash laughing. He glared at her, but playfully. "Dash, that scared me to death!" He said, his hair standing up on end. She happened to be wearing a Shadowbolts outfit, smirking.
"Aw, lighten up. I love this night since I'm only in it for the pranking," Dash remarked. "Hey, over there!" She pushed her storm cloud over to the next victims. Rolling his eyes at his marefriend Malibu spotted the trick or treat group, going over to them because for some reason Pinkie Pie was among them, wearing a chicken outfit.
He raised his brow. "Er, Pinkie? Aren't you too old to be with them?" Pinkie gave a squawk when hearing. "You kidding? Time is candy! And any candy is worth it!" She said, gesturing to her chicken outfit. Malibu sighed, shaking his head but was greeted with another little colt dressed as a pirate tapping his leg.
"And who are you? Don't think I've seen you around," Malibu asked. The little colt grinned. "Pipsqueak the pirate, at your service, Prince Malibu!" Malibu grinned, chuckling. "Just Malibu, thanks."
Pipsqueak pulled out his sword. "Also, this is my very first Nightmare Night, ever!" Malibu was somewhat surprised. "Oh, really? Me too." Pipsqueak looked happy. "No way! We can celebrate our first together!" The alicorn nodded, feeling lighthearted from his comment. "Yep."
"Well, see ya around, gonna go get more candy!" Pipsqueak said, running to catch up with his friends and Pinkie. Malibu was glad he made another friend.

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.