Adventures Begin: A New Assignment

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A new year in Equestria has now begun for Malibu. His studies with his mother Celestia proceeded alongside Twilight as well.

The gargoyle's language had greatly approved now and was speaking almost as normally as everypony else. Malibu had to admit too that his magic had gotten more controlled over the years.

Twilight for New Years Eve had introduced Malibu to her family; Shining Armor, Twilight Velvet, and Night Light. They included Malibu as extended family since he was in a close family relationship with the princess and friends with Twilight. Even Celestia had come along for the New Year celebration too.

Along with this new year of course came the Summer Sun Celebration several months later. Malibu was for the day test flying his wings to ensure they were well exercised when he spotted Minuette waving to him. He flew down.

Malibu smiled at her. "Hello, Minuette," he greeted, nodding his head. She nodded back.

"Hi, whatcha doing?" She asked. Malibu flapped his wings.

"Just exercising my wings. Mother makes sure I keep them in shape before we do more lessons later," he said. Minuette nodded.

"Well Moondancer is hoasting a party, and invited you if you wanted to come," she offered. Malibu felt excited. He always liked parties even with all his studying.

"That'll be awesome, tell Moondancer I'll be there," he said. Minuette grinned. "Great! See you there!" She trotted away to meet with Moondancer and help set up the party. Malibu went up to find something to bring to the party, Celestia greeting him.

"Where are you off to, my son?" She asked. Malibu smiled, picking some cupcakes from the kitchen to bring. "Moondancer invited me to her party. I don't want to miss it."

Celestia looked happy about it. "Maybe you can see if Twilight is up for going with you. But try to be home after for I have something to tell you," she said. Malibu nodded. "Will do. It isn't a party without all your friends, and I'll try to be back home when it is over." He packed his cupcakes and walked out the door to the place where Twilight was at home; her library study.

On his way he ended up bumping into somepony; which happened to be Twilight. "Hey Twi! I'm going to a party if you want to—." He was cut off. Twilight raced past him.

"No time, Malibu. I just learnt something important. We could be in danger!" She exclaimed. Malibu tilted his head before following her.

They had passed by Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine. The two mentioned the party too. Malibu said he will come soon while Twilight said:

"Sorry, girls. I got a lot of studying to catch up on." She then ran again. Malibu gave his friends an apologetic gaze.

"I'm sure she didn't mean that in a mean way," he said. Twinkleshine shrugged. "It's quite fine. We expected her to have it a lot of the time anyway, even if she did have fun on Hearth's Warming. Though I think she's more interested in books than friends. See you at the party," Malibu nodded then went to Twilight's study.

He opened the door to see Spike climbing up a ladder to pull out a book. Twilight smiled, taking it and causing her assistant to fall on his face.

Malibu helped the dragon up. "Twi, Moondancer hopes to see us at her party. Aren't you coming?" But Twilight shook her head.

"No, Malibu, like I said I found something important; the Elements of Harmony, and the Mare in the Moon."

Malibu's eyes widened. Celestia had mentioned to him about those. "What is it?" Twilight turned the page to the Elements.

"The Mare in the Moon; a myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony that wanted to rule Equestria. Defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the Longest Day in a thousand years the stars will aid in her escape; and she will bring about everlasting night!"

Malibu could feel himself grow nervous. "Nightmare Moon is my Aunt. My mom's sister. Maybe, if she sees me maybe she'll leave Equestria alone," he said. But Twilight shook her head.

"No, I don't think so," she said. "But I need to tell your mother. Spike? Take a letter," she said. Spike tumbled off his ladder again but Malibu caught him and he wrote Twilight's message about Nightmare Moon.

Spike then sent it. "I wouldn't hold your breath..." he said teasingly but Twilight seemed confident.

"I'm not worried about it, Spike. The Princess trusts me completely. And all of her years of being my mentor she never once doubted me," Twilight said. Malibu felt unsure, though he did his best to not doubt his mother, too. Though now he wondered what she wanted to tell him. Since he was already late for the party he would have to make it up to Moondancer later, if he could.

Spike then belched out his letter; a specialty of his. He began to read it.

"My dearest and most faithful student Twilight. You know I value your diligence and that I tryst you completely. But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books!"

This startled Twilight greatly. She began to faint, but Malibu caught her with his magic.

"Easy, Twi. Mother must have a reason. She wanted to talk with me about something too. Let's go see at least," he said assuringly to her. The mulberry unicorn nodded numbly, allowing the former gargoyle to take her to his home.


Celestia met up with her two students and son, who looked nervous.

"Mother, what was it you wanted to say?" He asked, shifting his hooves. Twilight nodded.

"Yes, Nightmare Moon is returning and you just say to stop my studies?" Celestia chuckled.

"I didn't mean it that way, Twilight. I mean that you can't always have books open all the time. That's why I summoned you both. I'm sending you to Ponyville to oversee the preperations for the Summer Sun Celebration," she said. Twilight looked shocked at this, while Malibu's ears fell.

"Mother? Are... are you sending us away from home?" He asked in devastation. "But I have a party to go to, though I missed it already."  Celestia saw how sad her son looked and gave him a hug.

"No. I just thought it was time for you and Twilight to spread out your surroundings, and explore the world without a mentor or a Mother. You've grown enough to prove me that." Malibu ended up smiling. His mom was proud of him; making him feel warm inside.

"When do we leave?" Twilight asked despondently. She still wasn't enthusiastic about it but Malibu couldn't help but be curious about Ponyville. He read about it and had yet to see it for himself.

"You leave in a couple days before the ceremony since it is to be in Ponyville this year. Just do your best and try not to let your love of books stop you from enjoying other things." Twilight nodded, but her eyes looked doubtful. Malibu hugged his mother.

"I'll miss you," he said tearfully. She wrapped him in her wings. "I'll always be with you. But you'll see me at the ceremony, I promise." She placed a soft kiss on his head, then went to help him pack. Twilight went to tell her parents and brother about her new assignment, unaware that this decision will change both their lives forever.

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian TaleWhere stories live. Discover now