S4 E15 everypony! It Ain't Easy Being Breezies is up next!
Malibu was going over to the Ponyville school to help pick up Applebloom for the day, spotting her and her two friends gossiping over something along with another elderly stallion who was Damond Tiara's butler doing some tricks.
He walked closer to the CMCs, having a lot of questions. "Uh, what's been going on guys?" Malibu pondered, Sweetie Belle having a rather irritated look on her face.
"We've been discussing as why Diamond Tiara gets more attention without even doing anything!" She snapped.
Scootaloo nods. "Yeah. And even though we're taking lessons from Twilight Sparkle on how to improve our skills, we want to be able to one day prove to Diamond that we are more than just blank flanks."
Malibu could understand their plights, having learned about Twilight taking in the fillies as her own personal students, until he saw Sweetie Belle having some kind of imagination vision of her own. Twilight had been showing the three each of their own special skills which included Sweetie learning how to use her unicorn horn properly, Applebloom the art of potions, and Scootaloo on how to repair machines such as a unicycle.
Diamond had arrived at that time, making Malibu just a tad nervous since she was the meanest bully after all, talking to her. "Sweetie Belle, isn't your sister going to take you to Manehattan?" She asked, Sweetie not listening at all, lost in her imagination until Diamond tapped her head. "Hey! Can't you hear me?!"
It startled Sweetie Belle out of her daydream, her head whipping about. "Huh? Huh? What?" Malibu couldn't help the soft laugh from his mouth until Diamond had to speak again. "I was asking if Rarity was going to take you to Manehattan anytime soon." She repeated.
Silver Spoon nods, with a snide smile. "Because if she is, maybe you can meet up with us while we hang out with a bunch of famous celebrities." She then invites but to Malibu it felt really fake.
Scootaloo flapped her little wings, a smile on her face. "Cool!" Applebloom blinked, unsure if she heard right. "Wow, that's... really nice of you guys."
Sweetie Belle however lowered her head in dejection. "Actually, my sister hasn't offered to take me to Manehattan anytime soon."
Malibu puts a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "I'm sure she will one day." He said gently. Diamond Tiara scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, we figured." They did their little dance routine Malibu grew to hate more with a passion. "Bump, bump, sugar lump, rump!" They exclaimed, laughing their heads off, making Sweetie Belle bare her teeth.
"Oh yeah?! Well, I don't have to go all the way to Manehattan to hang out with the famous and super-cool ponies! Me and my friends hang out with Princess Twilight and Prince Malibu all the time!" She snapped, stomping her hoof and walking off, Malibu giving a little moan but inside felt rather happy that she thought of him as a celebrity.
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both blinked, then ran up to the three leaving with Malibu. "D-did you say Princess Twilight? You hang out with her all the time? For real?" Diamond asked in an impressed way.
Applebloom lowers her ears, unsure how to answer at first. "Well, more like just once a week." She reveals.
Scootaloo glares at the bullies. "She helps us learn cool new stuff to do! That we actually do ourselves!" She snapped, turning to look back at Diamond's butler still doing tricks, Malibu shaking his head to how oblivious the other foals were. "And also, Malibu here is dating my adopted sister, Rainbow Dash!" She says, puffing out her chest a little.
It made the pink earth pony eye Malibu in disdain, Malibu watching her carefully and recalling the time she had his friends write nasty stuff about him and Rainbow in the paper. "Well... you're ok. But nothing compared to Princess Twilight! I saw her around town and I was like... whatever."

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.