Starter Lessons: The Best Night Ever

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S1 Finale, Everypony! Prepare for Season Two!


It was at last the big night: the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. Malibu himself was feeling rather nervous but excited, since his mom will be there as well to host the party. She had sent him a regal prince tux that he could wear with his wings. Malibu never had the need to wear any regal clothing around his friends but would wear it for this special night.

He was hanging out with his friends while Twilight was reading through a spellbook, Pinkie Pie jumping up and down on a trampoline for some reason. "Ah! I... Can't... believe... the Grand... Galloping... Gala... is... tonight!" She squealed, Malibu's eyes watching her go up and down on it.

Twilight's ears flattened as she looked irritated, glaring. "Pinkie! Please stop shouting. I'm trying to concentrate!" She exclaimed. Rarity came out of the boutique and her eyes rounded at the sight of her.

"Oh, stop that right now! It's time to prepare for the Gala and I refuse to let you put on your new dress when you're all sweaty," Rarity exclaimed. Pinkie Pie eventually stopped jumping, leaping off the trampoline.

Malibu eyed Twilight who continued to read through the spellbook. Pinkie leaned down near Spike. "What's Twilight doing?" Spike grinned. "She's got an awesome magic spell she's been working on for the gala!" That made the prince grin. "Cool," He commented. Rarity groaned. "Where are the others? It's getting late," She complained.

The rest of the gang appeared at her words. "Hold your horses, girl. We're here!" Applejack proclaimed. Malibu turned when Twilight closed her book. "Perfect! I'm ready!" Spike brought out an apple and placed it in front of Twilight.

"An apple! Are we having pie?" Pinkie asked. Malibu shrugged, having no idea what Twilight will be doing to it. Her horn lit up with her magic; targeting the apple which began to stretch and grow, until in just minutes the apple was now a beautiful apple shaped carriage complete with a little flag on top.

"Whoa!" Malibu gaped in astonishment. Twilight definitely had been getting better with her magic since leaving Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle blushed from the compliments. "Thanks, but that's just the start. Fluttershy, did you bring your friends?" The yellow pegasus nodded, four of her mouse friends on her head. "Yes. Will they be safe, Twilight?"

Twilight smiled. "You have my word." Her horn ignited again. And to Malibu's bewilderment, she changed the mice into... horses? With mice faces that is. The others all looked a tad confused and muttered to themselves about it. Malibu laughed awkwardly. "Erm... interesting, Twi. Mice into horses?" Twilight nodded. "Yep! Neat huh? And don't worry! They'll be mice again at midnight!"

Behind them Opalescence spotted the mice/horses and smirked, jumping onto the back of one who whinnied/squeaked. "Opalescence, no!" Fluttershy cried out but it was too late as the mice/horses ran off from the cat. Malibu's ears fell. So much for that. Twilight looked stressed. "Wait! Come back! Those horses were supposed to pull our carriage. How will we get to the gala?"

Rarity rolled her eyes, a hoof on her forehead. "Whatever shall we do?" She asked sarcastically before eventually giving them blank stares, then going off to find somepony to help pull their carriage. Malibu couldn't help but chuckle silently when she returned with two stallions pulling it, Twilight looking really embarrassed. "Oh. Yeah. Right."


Around 3:40 the gang were in the spa getting dressed for the Gala. Thankfully for Malibu he didn't have to worry about shielding his eyes from his friends since they were built quite differently from human bodies. He managed to fit himself into his Gala tux, with some of Rarity's adjustments. Twilight and Pinkie Pie were both underneath some mane dryers while Spike hammered on the door. "Come on you guys! Let me in!" He complained.

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