Season Two finale part 1 everypony! The next part will be more exciting!
The sun shone down bright and warm on the Mane 7 while they had a nice picnic without any conflicts for once. Malibu laid back, alicorn wings spread out in content, giving a soft sigh. This sun truly was a gargoyle's dream come true.
Rarity gave a sigh. "It is gorgeous out! Just gorgeous!" She complimented while Malibu took a drink of his apple cider and ate a sandwich. "You bet, Rar. Absolutely nothing can ruin this!"
He was wrong; as Malibu heard a familiar baby dragon come running in a panicked way, looking quite out of breath, holding a letter in his hand, wondering what could be up. "Twi...light! Mal...ibu! I... have... lemme just..." He winds up giving a huge burp, sending out a second letter.
Twilight picked it up to read. "Dear Twilight, and son, I am sure you two are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot."
Malibu's eyes widened. A wedding? He'd never been to one. Twilight continued. "I'll be presiding over the ceremony, but would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you and your songbird choir to provide the music."
Flutter gasped, looking joyful. "Oh my goodness! What an honor!" She squeaked, sounding rather adorable to Malibu.
"Pinkie Pie, I can think of no one more qualified than you to host the reception,"Twilight read on, causing Pinkie Pie to start cheering and do a flip in the air. Of course it would be Pinkie doing it since she was the ultimate party pony.
"Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception," Twilight then read, making Applejack look rather pleased and happy about that. "Well, color me pleased as punch!" Malibu hoof bumped her shoulder. "And with your cooking, you'll be the best caterer. Please have cider there!" He pleaded, AJ laughing, nodding to his request.
"Rainbow Dash..." Twilight started while Malibu saw his marefriend give a bored yawn. "...I would very much appreciated it if you could perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their 'I dos'." That got Rainbow pretty stoked up.
"Yesss!" She cheered, Malibu rolling his eyes. "Only you would find a wedding 20% cooler if you were doing a rainboom," He said jokingly, causing her to laugh embarrassedly.
"Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids," Twilight read, causing Rarity to have a major excitement freakout. "Princess Celestia wants me to— wedding dress? F-for a Canterlot wedding?!" She then swooned right there onto the grass, still smiling.
"And as for you Twilight and Malibu, you two will be playing the most important role of all: Making sure that everything goes as planned. See you all very soon. Yours, Princess Celestia." She finished, though was confused, looking over the rest of the parchment. "But I don't understand. Who is getting married?"
Spike handed the other letter he had before. "Wait! I, uh, was probably supposed to give you this one first," He said guiltily. Rolling her eyes Twilight opened up the letter and read aloud.
"Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and..." she gave the loudest gasp Malibu heard Twilight make yet, her face filled with disbelief. "MY BROTHER?!"
Malibu himself was just as shocked. Shining Armor? Was getting married? Why weren't they told weeks before the actual day? He knew he was gonna have to talk to him. Applejack gave Twilight a hoofshake of congratulations. "Your brother's gettin' married? Congratulations, Twilight! That's great news!"

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.