Next Lessons: The Rise of Chaos

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Season Two finally begins!


A whole year had gone by since Malibu had arrived in Ponyville. And the young Alicorn once a gargoyle couldn't be happier living in this nice little village. And becoming the Element of Love that time ago had been a big step in his life despite being a spawn of an evil gargoyle.

Malibu was hanging out with Applejack in the tree fields helping with the apple bucking. While bucking a tree he suddenly felt a drop on his head which happened to be rain.

"Huh?" Malibu asked himself, as more fell. But it wasn't normal rain. He licked it and it tasted like chocolate milk. What was going on? And the weather didn't call for rain. He spotted Rainbow Dash his special somepony flying above and chasing a pink cloud. Wait... pink?

"Hey! I didn't tell you to go anywhere!" Rainbow snapped, Applejack now noticing what was going on. "Rainbow Dash, what's goin' on with this rain? Ah mean, chocolate milk. Ah mean, chocolate milk rain?" She asked in total confusion. Malibu nodded. "This isn't normal rain," He stated.

Dash groaned but nodded too. "I know. There's crazy weather all over Equestria! Cloudsdale is getting soaked by a major cola storm right now! But don't worry, I'm not leaving until I get control of Ponyville!"

A popping noise sounded then and to Malibu's disbelief the corn began popping into popcorn, knocking him and AJ to the ground. He groaned, rubbing his nose and saw Pinkie jumping around in it. "Why would you wanna stop this?" She ate the popcorn and drank the chocolate rain.

Malibu frowned. "It's ruining the apple fields around here, that's why. This is not normal." AJ agreed, Rarity showed up with an umbrella on her back. He figured she would wear something like that. "Ahem. I heard about your troubles, Applejack, and I came to see if there's anything I can do without getting wet. Or dirty. Or out from under my umbrella."

It made the former gargoyle chuckle silently from her comments until suddenly the apples on the trees grew bigger as if by magic. Giant size. Critters jumped onto the apples and began to eat them. This wasn't good. "Fluttershy, do somethin'!" Applejack shouted in panic. Fluttershy approached her bunny Angel busy eating it. "Now, Angel, you really shouldn't..." Malibu gaped in shock when out of nowhere; Angel's legs grew very long, where he along with the other bunnies began to run like horses or deer.

"No! It's not possible! I-I must be seeing things!" Flutter yelped in disbelief. Twilight thankfully came. Malibu hoped she could help him fix it. "Don't worry, everyone. Me and Malibu recently learned a spell that could fix everything." Malibu swallowed at the idea of doing a spell this big, worried they were gonna mess up. The two concentrated hard, horns lighting up pink and red, sending a magic wave everywhere.

When they opened their eyes; nothing was fixed. It was all still chaotic. Malibu's heart sank that not even the spell worked. Twilight looked downcast. "My fail-safe spell... failed! What do we do?" Malibu himself didn't know how they could fix something this big. Spike shrugged. "Uh, give up?" It made the clone smack him on the head with his tail.

Rarity put the umbrella on Twilight Sparkle's back. "Spike, Twilight will come up with something!" The unicorn thought for a while. "Hmm, time for plan B." She turned to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, can you corral all those clouds in one corner of the sky?" Malibu watched his special somepony nod, flapping her wings and going to do so, gathering them all up in a bunch together.

"Applejack, I need you to bring those high strung storm clouds down to Earth," She instructed the earth pony. AJ grinned, lassoing the cotton candy clouds. Once the ropes wrapped around them the chocolate rain halted. Pinkie Pie had been drinking it when it stopped. "Hey! What happened?!" The party pony exclaimed in disappointment.

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