S1 E9! Swarm of the Century up next!
Malibu and his close friends Twilight and Spike were venturing into town together; ready to have a good day together. He smiled at the clear blue sky.
"Wow! What a gorgeous day!" Twilight said happily. Malibu nodded, recalling that time they laid in the sun together. "For sure, we gotta take a sun soak soon again." Spike grinned. "Rainbow Dash must've gotten up early and cleared the clouds away!"
"Remind me to thank her later," Malibu said, heart fluttering when hearing her name as the two entered Ponyville.
"I bet everypony is going to be out enjoying the sunshine," Twilight complimented. But Malibu noted the lack of ponies though.
He scratched his head. "Uh, Twi? I'm not seeing ponies present." Twilight was puzzled. "What? Where is everypony?"
From their view; the entire town was completely empty. Doors and windows were shut tight. Malibu spotted one filly but she was pulled in by her mother. A frown appeared. This was odd. The three looked at each other, mystified.
"Is it some holiday?" Malibu questioned. Twilight shook her head. "Don't think so," she answered.
"Does my breath stink?" Spike asked, doing a burp, making Malibu wrinkle his nose. "Er, not more than usual..." he mumbled.
Then Spike had the most ridiculous question. "Is it... Zombies?!" Malibu rolled his eyes. He had heard of those on tv back in his old home but didn't think they could exist. "Not likely," Twilight said. Spike gripped Twilight's mane. "Not likely, but possible?" Malibu huffed. "You've been reading too many comics, Spike," he stated when they came near Sugarcube Corner.
Suddenly somepony said "Pssst!". The trio looked around for the speaker which was Pinkie Pie. "Twilight! Malibu! Spike! Come here!" She was hiding in the sweet shop. Malibu raised his brow, tilting his head. "Pink? What's wrong with you?"
Pinkie gestured with her hoof. "Come here! Hurry! Before she gets you!" She whispered/screamed. Having no other option, the friends ran indoors. Malibu's vision was met with darkness until a flashlight shined into his eyes, making him flinch.
"Who?! The Zombie-Pony?" Spike squeaked. Malibu saw Pinkie shine the light under her chin. "Z-zombie-pony?" She whimpered. Spike trembled, grasping Twilight tight. Twilight grunted. "Spike, seriously, there are no Zombie-Ponies," she said in annoyance. Malibu turned back to Pinkie. "But, uh, what are you doing here alone in the dark?"
Pinkie tilted her head. "I'm not alone in the dark!" That was when the light shone onto Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Applebloom, making him and Twilight gasp.
"Ok... what are all of you doing here alone in the dark?" Twi asked. Malibu nodded. Applejack pointed to the outside. "We're hidin' from her!" She whimpered.
Malibu was confused. "Her who?" He asked, tilting his own head. He and Twilight went to the window where he saw a stranger pawing her hoof into the ground. Suddenly, she turned her head, covered in a hood, eyes glowing yellow. The other ponies besides Twilight and Malibu gasped in fright, hiding away.
The teal alicorn raised his brow in curiosity. Who are you? He asked himself as the new pony continued her strange business. Applebloom looked at the two of them, eyes round. "Did ya see her guys? Did ya see Zecora?"
"Uh, Zecora? Who's that?" Malibu questioned. Applejack glared at Applebloom. "Applebloom, I told ya to never mention that name!" She snapped. Twilight and Malibu glanced at each other. "Well, we saw her glance this way—." Twilight began. Pinkie interrupted. "Glanced evilly this way!"

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.