Next Lessons: It's About Time

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S2 E20 everypony! Dragon Quest is up next!


Malibu was on his way to the Golden Oaks library to visit his best friend/adopted sister Twilight Sparkle, wanting to read some more Daring Do books as well. He opened the door. "Hi Twilight— er, what's going on?"

For in front of him, Twilight was looking rather sleep deprived, writing down on what looked like a schedule. She turned, grinning in a crazy manner that reminded Malibu a lot like when she freaked out about the overdue letter. "Hey, Mal! You're just in time! I just figured out how to reorganize my late schedule! If I can find a way to read 'The Art of Invisibility Spells' and 'Thornhoof's Brief History of Canterlot' at the same time, that could leave me a half-hour scheduling window!"

Malibu hoof palmed himself, thinking that Twilight had way been passed freaking out but not really. "Twi, have you been sleeping at all?" She shook her head, but then the two heard the wind blow somehow inside. "Huh?" Twilight yelped, seeing magic flashes from the middle of the library. Malibu's eyes widened a little from that. "What's going on?" Malibu asked, shielding his eyes from the light.

The light flashed once, and it all faded; revealing a unicorn dressed in tatty black clothing, having a messy mane, and wearing an eye patch. To Malibu, it looked like...

"T-Twilight?!" Malibu yelled out, wondering how there was another one of her. Present Twilight also yelled out in shock. The battered Twilight shook her head, glancing at the two. "Twilight, Malibu, you've got to listen to me!" She gasped.

Present Twilight blinked her eyes. "Who are you? I mean, you're me, but I'm me too! How can there be two mes? It's not scientifically possible!" She poked her hoof into what could possibly be a future Twilight. "You're not scientifically possible!"

Malibu just remained quiet, unable how to take this all in, jaw dropped down. Future Twilight pushed away present Twilight's hoof. "Twilight, please, I have a very important message for you from the future!" That made Malibu suddenly get excited as he managed to speak. "You mean... you time travelled?" He squeaked out loud. Future Twilight nodded, looking impatient. "That's right, now listen!" She said before being interrupted yet again.

Present Twilight walked around her future self. "What happened to you? The future must be awful!" Future Twi hoofpalmed herself. "I don't have much time—."

"Is there some epic pony war in the distant future or something?" Twilight pressed on, Future Twi looking deadpanned. "Actually, I'm from next Tuesday morning. But that's not important right now—." Malibu rolled his eyes when Twilight kept on asking questions. "I can't believe that time travel is really possible! How did you... I mean I figure it out?"

Future Twi swished her tail. "The time spells are in the Canterlot Archives. But that's not import—." Twilight gasped. "Really, where? I've never seen them!"

"They're in the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing. Now, you have to listen to—." Once again Future Twi got interrupted. "Is time travel fun? Or does it hurt? I have so many quest—."

Finally, Malibu thought to himself but it was short lived when he saw the magic sparks on Future Twi. "I have something extremely important to tell you about the future. So you've got to listen! Whatever you do, don't—." The two friends shielded their eyes when the magic flashed, making her disappear.

Twilight glanced about. "Future Twilight?" Malibu himself looked around for her. "I think she's gone," He informed. Twilight groaned. "Oh no! What was she trying to warn us about? Her clothes, her mane, that scar... oh! What a mess she is, or I am, or I will be..." she wound up gasping, a hoof over her mouth. Malibu winced, knowing sooner or later she was going to go all Twilght-crazy.

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