S4 E12 everypony! Simple Ways is up next! And on time for my Grammy's birthday!
As the sun rose over the town of Ponyville, the rooster at Sweet Apple Acres crowed, making the clone Malibu moan from sleep, rubbing his eyes and sitting up, wondering what today was.
Until something sparked in his brain, and he began to tremble and pant, feeling rather stressed out, for today was... was...
"Good mornin', Sugarcube. Is everythin' alright up there?" Called Applejack from downstairs, making Malibu jump in his bed onto the floor, nodding.
"Uh, yeah, yep, no problem AJ, I'll be down soon, heh! Haven't forgotten anything!"
The orange earth pony raised her brow after coming up when hearing the thump, noting the panicked gaze in her best friend's eyes, then she smiled knowingly. "Lemme guess, you forgot a certain pony's birthday is today?"
The teal alicorn gulped, knowing he couldn't lie to the most honest pony in Equestria, so he gave in, panicking overtime now. "I have totally forgotten to give Rainbow Dash a present for today, the party is this afternoon and I have no idea what to give her!" He sobbed, covering his eyes with his hooves.
Applejack chuckled humorously, rubbing Malibu's back while he curled up. "Easy there, don't work yourself into a tizzy now. You'll find something, I'm sure."
Malibu's ears perked. Maybe he can find something in Ponyville! Yeah, that's it. He'll ask Pinkie for advice first since she's in charge of the party. The clone quickly ran out as fast as he could, galloping towards Ponyville as fast as possible, forgetting he had wings.
Upon arriving in the town, he thought he could hear some pony familiar singing pretty cheerfully, which happened to be Pinkie Pie.
"Every single day there's something new you can plan for
every single day there's something wonderful to do
but nothing makes me happy like a day that I can say
today I planned a party and it's just for you!"
A smile appeared on the teal alicorn's muzzle at the sight of his friend who was getting streamers, chatting with the store owner. "How's it going today, Pinkie?" He asked.
Pinkie beamed. "Great, thanks! Got any streamers today?"
The vendor placed a huge spool of banner into her saddle bag. "You betcha! Big party planned?" She nodded. "Don't you know it!"
She trotted down the street, Malibu trying to catch up.
"Don't have much time to gather
all the things I need
If I'm really gonna make this party fly
for today's another day that all of Ponyville will say"
Suddenly the entire town burst into song, startling Malibu but he didn't mind. As long as it was to celebrate his best friend being the greatest party planner.
"There goes the super party pony Pinkie Pie!"
Malibu had managed a wave to Pinkie who grinned back, gesturing to him to walk alongside her which he gladly did, the two encountering the Cakes.
"She planned our first foal shower where we played all sorts of games
having so much fun as we chose Pound and Pumpkin's names!"

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.