S2 E24 Everypony! The S2 Finale is up next!
It was a big day for Sugarcube Corner as they were asked to take part in the Canterlot national dessert competition. Malibu himself was excited because it gives him a reason to visit his mom, but to also taste a lot of those desserts.
One he was most desiring of was a huge cake that Mr. and Mrs. Cake managed to finish, in which Pinkie Pie calls it:
"Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness! You've really outdone yourself, Mr. And Mrs. Cake! This is sure to be the winning entry of this year's national dessert competition!"
Malibu agreed. "Yeah, it looks awesome," He complimented, stomach rumbling at the sight of it. Mrs. Cake smiled. "Oh, thank you Pinkie and Malibu."
Mr. Cake also spoke. "And thanks for transporting it all the way to Canterlot for us."
Pinkie bounced. "Absolutely! It is our honor and—!"
Applejack interrupted. "Uh, beg pardon, but could we maybe move things along? This here cake's a might heavy, right Big Macintosh?"
Malibu pretty much forgot that Big Mac had been holding the cake on his back, and he looked strained from holding it up for too long. "Eeyup!" He croaked, eyes bulging. Pinkie Pie put on a hat with a blinking light on it. "Alrighty then, Big Mac! To the train depot!"
The gang all carefully walked outside, trying to make sure Big Mac didn't drop the cake which would be a terrible mess. "This is precious cargo you're carrying!" Malibu heard Pinkie say.
Mr. Cake nodded, face looking rather nervous. "Yes, it took months of planning and testing." He said shakily.
"I would hate for it to—." Mrs. Cake whimpered to start, Malibu gasping when Big Mac staggered, grunting, nearly falling. It caused Mr. Cake to moan and faint. That was close!
"Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Cake." She turned to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "Dash, Fluttershy, a little pegassistance?" Pinkie requested.
They used ropes to attempt to keep the cake from falling that seemed to work so far, though Malibu still felt nervous. "I'll get it there safely you'll see!" Pinkie assured the couple.
Mrs. Cake swallowed. "Ahahah, oh... of course."
"We've never doubted you," Mr. Cake added, having come out of fainting.
But then the cake slipped once more, Flutter and Rainbow winced and struggled with the rope from Fluttershy faltering mid flight. Malibu felt now that the ropes weren't enough for this. "Twilight, Malibu? Can you help?"
The two took on her request, putting up a double shield spell surrounding the cake which was a mix between purple and red auras from their horns. "Nice protective spells as extra insurance," laughed Pinkie Pie, eyes darting about. "Better safe than sorry!"
Malibu concentrated as much as he could but was distracted by the cakes constantly checking on him and Twilight to ensure their spells were still going strong, now making him more nervous about losing focus on the shield spell.
"AJ, Rarity? One last thing?" Pinkie asked once more, having them bring over a trampoline. Though Malibu wondered if it really would help save the cake. Now they were finally at the train station. "Alright, everypony, we're in the home stretch here!"
Malibu's eyes trailed to Mr. Cake who was wheezing badly, really panicking, and he couldn't blame him. Pinkie Pie opened the door to the dessert car. "You see, Mr. and Mrs. Cake? I got it here without a hitch! Now all we have to do is get it..." Her mouth dropped when realizing the size of the cake and the doorway. "...in?" She gaped, causing Mr. Cake to faint dead away once more. This was gonna be challenging.

A Clone Gargoyle's Equestrian Tale
FanfictionMalibu, the clone of Brooklyn finds a strange star shaped gem after struggling to adjusting in the Labyrinth, transforming him into a pony and to Canterlot in Equestria. While there he will learn how to accept friendship and befriend certain ponies.