Chapter 1

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My name is Citciellia Phantomhive owner of the Phantomhive Company. I was 10 years old when my manor, my parents, and my life perished in a fire. When I died in that fire I came in contact with a demon, he was nothing special just a stupid demon. He offered me revenge on the person who burned down my manor and parents in exchange for one thing... my soul. I didn't care what it would take; I was going to get revenge, even if it costs me my soul and life.

Ciel's POV

I hear footsteps and then I am suddenly blinded by light. " Ciel it is time to wake up, you have a busy schedule young mistress." Reluctantly I get up, tuning in and out of the breakfast he is telling me that he made. " Which of them will you choose young mistress?" Sebastian asked giving that fake smile of his.

" A scone."

He tells me my schedule while he dresses me. Since he is a butler and a demon I have no problem with him doing so, after all demons don't have emotions.

I wear a beautiful shiny green dress and hear that I have a meeting with the man who is in-charge of my factory in India. Most likely just wants more money. Before Sebastian leaves I pick up one of my darts and throw it at him. He caught it in-between his two fingers easily. He just turns around and gives me that fake grin of his.

"Nice throw young mistress, but lets save the games for later."

He knows I hate him

"Yes, I suppose your right Sebastian."

And he hates me as much as I hate him.

The meeting with my worker went very well. I managed to make him go mad and to teach him that I am not just some kid that you can get more money with. I am Ciel Phantomhive. Check-mate...

Now that all that nonsense with my worker was over, I returned to my study to do something use full. When I just sat down I hear an annoying squalling sound coming from the doorway. Out of no where my fiancé Ellija jumped ontop of me spinning me around until I felt sick.

"Ellijah?! What are you doing here?!?!"

"Ciel, don't you look as beautiful as ever! And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Elli." I just sighed. "Oh but Ciel you are coming to the ball I have planned right?"

"Ball? You know I am really not in the mood to go to a ball, especially not one of yours." You mumbled.

"Y-Y-You mean your n-not c-coming?" he whined. Ugh there are those sad puppy-dog eyes, again. Guess I have no choice.

"No, I'm coming. Is it tonight?"

"Yay! Yes its tonight! Oh I cant wait! Im going to prepare us matching out-fits. Hmmmm I think... White is your best color. Yes white will look so cue on you. Ugh guess im going to his party wearing white. (sigh)

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