Chapter 2

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Ciel's pov

Some how I went from a fine white to a god awful pink fluffy dress. I will never know how he managed to get me into something this frilly and stupid looking. Never I will never let him pick out my clothes for me again!

"CIIEEELLLL!!! You look absolutely adorable in that dress! Look I'm wearing a black and white outfit with a pink rose to go with yours."sigh, How do you always stay so energetic all the time. I just don't get it.

We arrived at the ball held at Ellija's house before any one else could have arrived. Sebastian helped with the decorating and food, showing off as usual. When the party was in full swing many people started to dance, that's when I saw Ellija heading over to my way. A look of panic and terror spread across my face as I swiftly walked away from him. Just when I thought I lost him, I bumped into someone and was about to hit the ground when an arm grabbed me pulling me in close. I feel a slight blush across my face when I look up to see Sebastian's face just inches from mine.

"What are you doing! Let go of me I'm fine!"

"But you tripped my lady, it would be a shame to see any harm come to that beautiful face of yours." My blush only grew as I struggled to get out of his arms.

"Oh dear. It seems that Sir Ellija would like to dance with you, he is coming this way now."

"What! No Sebastian take me away from him now, I can't dance with him."

"As you wish, my lady." That wicked fake grin he always gives spread acrossed his face.

"What are y-!" I was suddenly whipped across the dance floor by Sebastian. I know I still can't dance so all I do is look down at his feet trying not to step on them.

"Very good my lady, but you are supposed to look at the person you are dancing with."

"Take me back the sidelines. You know I can't dance, I do not appreciate you trying to humiliate me like this."

"I am not humiliating you my lady I am simply following orders, the best way I see fit. You ordered me to not let Ellija dance with you, and that is exactly what I am doing." I hate him.

Alois's Pov

"What a boring party Claude why did we even come?"

"We came because if we didn't it would ruin your highnesses reputation." While I was compensating my boredom, a sudden flash of pink and black crossed my vision. I looked up to see a gorgeous girl my age dancing with a tall raven like man.



"Who is she? That girl in the pink and black dress dancing with that man dressed in black?"

"I believe that is lady Citciellia Phantomhive present owner of the Funtom company, top toy making company in all of England." I licked my lips. She was just absolutely divine.



"I want her."

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