Chapter 24

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I awoke in a dark room, the first thing I was aware of were a pair of eyes watching me, that and I was lying on a cold hard ground. I wasn't ready to let them know I was awake just yet. Maybe if I stay still this person will reveal something to me. I couldn't see the eyes, but I could feel them burning into me. There was this weird sensation, one of which I have never felt before. The longer I keep thinking about this the more I feel myself shudder. Whatever is in here it is evil. A demon most likely. And a strong one at that. Could it be stronger than Sebastian? No, no... Sebastian will come, but now that we don't have a contract anymore... I'm not so sure. My thoughts and attention were suddenly turned to a male's voice, two of them.

"Is this her then?" said one, most likely the one who was in charge.

"Yes your highness."

"What a pitiful human. She fell for a demon, but not only that but the demon also fell for her. Sebastian it's a shame that you had to love her, now you will die." He laughed to himself. Don't you dare touch him. I wanted so badly to try and kill that demon now, but I restrained my self. I clenched my hands into a fist, my nails puncturing my soft skin. Even though blood flowed I knew it was to stop me from doing something reckless.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

"The sedative should be wearing off by now..." his footsteps stopped right next to me and I took his curiosity as a sign for weakness. Now! I swung my hand as fast as I could towards the man's face, but he easily grabbed my wrist.

The man held a smirk on his face. He had black hair with white streaks in it. His eyes were a really light green that almost looked grey. He wore a black out fit with a scar of some sort on his face. His wings were black and feathery. He looked young, older than me, but looked younger than Sebastian. My first thought of him was I hate him.

"Well it appears that you are not very smart. Your lucky that I'm not killing you now, but having Sebastian watch will be even better." I glare at him not looking away from his eyes. His voice was smooth and made you want to shiver every time you heard him speak; I however, was not going to be intimidated.

After a minute of staring, his eyes moved to my hand in his grasp.

"Now, now, what did you do to your self here? Hmm?" He pulled my wrist towards his mouth, I tried to pull my arm away, but he was too strong and made it look effortless as he resisted. He ran his tongue over the palm of my hand, and the moment he did, his eyes widened and turned into a blood color.

Lucifer's POV

Who is that human? That taste... I have never tasted something like that before. What's gotten into me? I can't stop thinking about her. My upper left chest feels weird and... Do I actually feel nervous? Why do I feel my face heating up? Is this blush? I can't be blushing! I'm Satan the ruler of the underworld! I am a ruthless king, a dictator to all! I control life and death in the palm of my hand! I can't be falling in love! Not with such a worthless human!

"Your highness?" A servant of mine suddenly brought me back to reality. I then realize that I am still holding this girl's hand and a tiny tint of pink appeared on my face.

"Yes what is it?" I say not letting him or her catch a glimpse of my face by keeping my head down.

"I-I just wanted to know what you wanted me to do with the human sire." Regaining my composure I look her in the eye. Her eyes didn't carry the slightest hint of fear; instead they were full of confidence and determination. Her lips slightly curved downwards into a frown telling me that she was not happy at all.

"Hmm... take her to room 12." I smirked. My servant looked surprised, clearly not expecting that answer.

"Are you sure, your highness?"

"Are you questioning me, Devein?" I glared at him. He stiffened a visible shivers could be seen by me from across the room.

"N-N-No s-sir. D-do you want m-me to do s-so n-now?"

"Yes." He stood still, not moving an inch just shivering in place. How worthless. "Now!" I growled. He quickened over to me and grabbed her from me. She seemed to resist, but was not successful. I watched as the two of them left me in my throne room leaving me to my own thoughts. However no matter how hard I tried, my thoughts always made their way back to Ciel.

Ciel's POV

I was being dragged to an unknown room of an unknown place that the devil himself lives in. I was terrified, though I would never admit it. What is room 12 and why was the servant so shocked when he heard it? For all I know it could be the worst torcher chamber they have in this place.

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