Chapter 25

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Sebastian's POV

I woke up this morning just like any other day except today, I actually felt happy. Just the thought of me and Ciel finally being together, can make me loose my train of thought and common sense.

Finny's POV

"Hey, What's wrong with Sebastian?" I questioned Meyrin and Bard as we hid behind a corner of the wall.

"Poor Sebastian. Maybe he didn't get enough sleep last night?" said Meyrin.

"Should we try waking him up?" asked Bard.

"But how?" I said. That's when Bard smirked.

"Finny go and bang two pans together. Meyrin get the least expensive plates and break them really loudly. As for me, I'm going to get my explosives. Time to make some real art."

"I-I'm not sure Mr. Sebastian would want us to do this." Asked a nervous Meyrin.

"But maybe it would help him?" I said thinking about it for a bit.

"Ho Ho Ho." agreed Tanaka

"Right lets meet back here when we are ready." Said Bard and we all were off.

Time Skip

"Are you ready?" asked Bard. We all just nodded in agreement. CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! Went my pans; because of my super strength it was even louder. CLASH! CLASH! Meyrin started to drop her plates. BOOM! Bards explosion went off with a big bang.

Sebastian's POV

I was in a room quietly pondering to myself when all of the sudden I am bombarded with an explosion, plates crashing, and the sound of a pan smashing over and over. A vein clearly popped out of my head in annoyance.

When I looked over my shoulder I saw the three idiots plus Tanaka. They all froze in fear when they saw me. I don't blame them. My eye was twitching, trying to keep my temper under control.

"Might you three care to explain what on earth you are doing?"

"W-we w-w-were" baffled Meyrin.

"We were going to try and m-make you feel better b-because..." started Finnian.

"You were acting strange." ended Bard.

"That doesn't mean that you try to destroy the whole manor. Now clean this up now and replace those plates. You also could've awoken lady Ciel."

"Yes sir." They said in unison and they all left.

Hmm, it is time to awake her. I just hope she isn't too frightened by all that noise.

But when I opened that door... I was the one that ended up frightened.

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