Chapter 14

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"Sebastian what do we do? If he sees us he will definitely recognize us, and he isn't smart enough to realize that I'm doing this under the queens orders."

"Well your right about that. I guess the only thing we do is not let him see you."

"But how?!" he bowed and held out his hand towards me.

"If I may, my lady."

"No way, I'm still not good at dancing."

"I'm terribly sorry putting you in a situation like this my lady, but it is either dance or have your plan ruined by your fiancé. And you better be quick because he is coming over here now." I pouted.

"Fine." I took his hand and was dragged to the dance floor. "Keep your eyes out for Lord Druett." I mumbled.

"I see him, he has his eye on you."

"Good that was easier than I thought. Is he the blonde in the white with that creepy smirk on his face?"

"Precisely." The dance ended and I was exhausted. I was on my hands and knees trying to catch my breath, until I heard clapping.

"Your dancing is exquisite like a lovely little robin, my sweet lady." Said Lord Druett

"Young mistress, allow me to fetch you something to drink." Sebastian said before he left." Let's get this started. Time to play the sweet and innocent good girl.

I put on my most innocent smile and said, "Good evening my lord Druett."

"I do hope you are enjoying the party," he paused taking a break to kiss my hand. "Little robin." Without him noticing I began wiping my hand on my dress.

"Yes, it is a lovely party, but... I have been waiting to speak with you all evening."


"I am bored to death of dancing and eating." Smirking at me, he made his move of wrapping his arm around my waist. Things can't get worse.

"What a spoiled little princess you are little robin." He then slithered his hand down to my but. " Are you looking for something, more entertaining?" And they got worse. Just endure it Ceil. Come on you can do this. You have no choice, not after you have come this far.

"You know of other amusements? I would be most interested." He was now cupping my chin with his hand and his face was only inches away.

"Of course, I would be happy to show them to you little robin, my sweet little thing." THAT'S IT! I''VE HAD IT WITH THIS PERV! WHEN THIS IS ALL OVER I SWEAR I AM GOING TO KILL THIS CREEP!!!

"Oh really like what?" I said all cutesy like. At least Ellija taught me one thing. But if he sees me when the dance is over... it will ruin everything.

"You want to know?"

"Yes, I am simply dying to my lord." I anticipated. Just bloody take me already! I Ellija comes this way I am doomed.

"You might be a little to young." Hurry!

"Now don't tease me my lord, I'm a lady not a little girl." The dance is over please lets just go!!! Before he comes over here and ruins everything! He's coming. I was turned to face Lord Druett by his own hand.

"What has you so distracted little robin?"

"I-it's nothing my Lord. Can we go? Please?" I said giving him a cute puppy dogface.

"Yes, anything for you my sweet." This guy makes me sick.

Alois POV

"Where is he? Where is he?" I mumbled to myself.

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