Chapter 13

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"Why would the queen have me work with a brat like him anyways?" I asked frustrated in the carriage.

"I think she thinks that since you and Alois are close in ages, you two would make a good team and solve the murders faster."

"Well that's silly, no one can work fast with him. If she had only asked me then we could probably solve it in less than two maybe three days. He will only slow us down."

"Well it can't be helped, it is an order from the queen." I'm usually not one for whining, but I moped all the way back to the Trancy manor.


"Wake up young mistress, you have a letter from the queen." Said Sebastian as he opened the curtains nearly blinding me.

"And what doe her majesty want?" I asked sleepily.

"Would you like for me to read it to you?"

"No just hand it here." My eyes widened as I read the letter. I wanted to crumble it up, but it was the only evidence I had to show that I was to work on this case. I sighed.

"Sebastian ready the carriage and lay out my clothes, We are going to the Trancy manor."

Present Alois POV

"Claude! Claude! Look here! It says that we are to work with Ceil again. Thought that she could get rid of me eh? Well think again miss Phantomhive." I smirked at the thought of seeing her. Like I said to Claude the day I first saw her, I want her. "You will be mine Ceil or no ones."

Claude's POV

He is way too excited about Ceil coming back. Doesn't he remember what she said to him? Though he is a little slow. Maybe some of her smarts will rub off on him, though that won't be likely. Anyway I'm glad that she is returning. I heard a knock at the door. When I opened it I saw Ceil with... Him.

"Welcome back."

Ceil's POV

I just nodded at Claude's welcome

"Where is Mr. Trancy? I would like to start things as quickly as possible."

"Follow me." He beckoned and we did as he said. Sebastian seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face. I smirked because it was amusing to me. We made our way upstairs and into Alois's study. "He is in there."

"Thank you Claude." He gave me a genuine smile and gave me a little bow.

"Any time my lady." I knocked and the door was immediately opened by a happy go luck Alois.

"Ciel! Welcome back."

"Hello Mr. Trancy, I don't mean to be rude, but I have no time for small talk and I would like to discuss what we are going to do about the case we have both been assigned."

"Of course, so do you have a plan?" Alois beamed obviously not having a care in the world about this assignment.

"As a matter in fact, I do."

"Do tell Ciel, I love hearing your voice, especially when you sing." He smirked and my brow furrowed while my eyes narrowed.

"Glad you enjoyed it them, but lets get back to business. As I was saying..."

Time skip Alois POV

"Why the hell am I wearing a dress Ciel!" All four of us were now standing in the middle of a ballroom. I had a wig and Alois was dressed as a girl.

"Will you keep your voice down, no one can know that you are actually a guy, so make your voice higher so you sound like a girl."

"Like this." Alois said in a really high girly voice.

"Perfect, with us both dressed like this, then we will have double the chance of getting Lord Druett's attention."

"Man this corset is way too tight I cant breathe." He whined.

"Oh stop your whining. I have to wear one everyday." He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"You poor, brave thing."

"Oh stop messing around we need to find where Lord Druett is." I already have had Sebastian make a list of possible subjects and narrow it down to Lord Druett before we made it to the Trancy manor, which was why I was dressed so fancy in the carriage. "You go that way with Claude and I will go this way with Sebastian. If you find him make sure your convincing enough to make him take you to his secrete place.

"Right see you later." And he was off with Claude.

"Come Sebastian we should start looki-"

"Oh you look lovely in that dress!" I was suddenly cut off by a familiar voice. I went completely white.

"Sebastian, please tell me it isn't who I think it is."

"I'm afraid that it is Sir Ellija."

"If he sees my face he will recognize me right away and ruin the whole plan."

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