Chapter 28

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Sebastian's POV

"Now we should discuss a plan of attack. We don't want it too reckless that could put her life in danger. They are most likely going to come after me as well for I fear that is the reason that they took her."

"They will most likely be expecting you." Said Claude.

"Yes me, but not you our Alois."

"AHHHHH this is Boring... lets just go and get her already." I mentally face palmed at Alois's comment.

"Master, if we just barge in there we will get captured and killed, we can't be reckless."

"Whatever... Just as long as I am the one to rescue Ciel." He smirked.

"The one who is rescuing Ciel," I started, "Is me" both me an Claude said at the same time.

"You both are useless. It's obvious that I'm the one who should save her because I'm her age." Alois insisted.

"Well your just a child." I stated.

"And your just two pedophiles." He smirked.

"No." said Claude.

"Yep, you called me a child and Ciel is a YOUNGER than me, plus you guys are like old men. Who knows for how many human years you've both been alive?" Both Claude and I were shocked. "Well let's go." He said and stared walking out the door.

"And where are you going?" I questioned.

"To save Ciel, what else?"

"Ok... and where is she?" asked Claude.

"With Santa."

"And where is this so called Santa?" I sighed.

"Oh um... I- uh we take a right and then we go over the hill and through the forest." Claude and I face palmed, again.

"Santa lives in the north pole." Claude stated.

"SATAN lives in the under world and you don't know how to get there either."

"What and you do?" Alois snickered.

"Yes because we live there when we aren't preparing for dinner." Said Claude.

"Oh... Well then what are you waiting for slowpokes let's go get Ciel." He said and he started running off in a random direction."

"Master Wait!" Claude called out, "You're going the wrong way!" I sweat dropped and sighed.

"If Lucifer doesn't kill me before this is over, I think that they will if they keep giving me a headache as big as this one" I murmured to myself while rubbing my temples then sighed. "This is going to be a pain in the _"

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