Chapter 34

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Present time, Ciels POV

"And after that I went back to the castle and began my life as a servant for the one who killed my family. With each passing day coming up with a plan to finally take over this place and kill Lucifer." Said Devein. "Some may call what I am doing wrong, but..."

"You are not wrong." He turned around to face me with shock.

"You fought to protect your world. What's wrong with that? In the end "justice" is just an official line taken by those in power to server their own ends. You just aren't powerful enough and that will be your downfall. True power is not earned; it is something that you're born with. No one's looking out for others. The world is a cruel pace to those in a bad position. If you're careless, you'll be robbed. There are only two types of people in the world, those who steal and those who are stolen from. And today your future will be stolen from."

"Lies! You cannot steal my future! You are only a worthless human! I am a demon and can kill you in an instant!"

"Then why don't you prove that statement? If you hate humans so much why haven't you killed me yet? Why don't you kill me now?"

"Because... because I need you alive! But just remember that I do have the power to kill you!"

"Didn't you remember what I just said? I said you were going to fall from your lack of power" I hate repeating myself.

"Do you really think that you're in a position of power right now "human"?"

"I only have one name, and that is Citciellia Phantomhive. And I know that you don't have the guts to kill me, you're too weak for that. Plus its only a matter of time before everyone else finds me."

Sebastian's POV

"Give it up father." We stopped for a moment both of us kneeling down panting heavily with beds of sweat dripping down our faces.

"Never." And with that we started to fight again. He came at me with a demon sword, but I blocked his attack with my knives. I threw two at him but he dodged them.

"Just give up. You know that I'm stronger than you. You banished me because you were scared that I was going to over throw you." He just gritted his teeth and I smirked. We were just about to transform into our true demon forms, when an idiot blonde boy called out to everyone.

"Hey!" Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and looked at the human. "Where is Ciel?" For once he was right and Ciel was missing. Damn who was it that took her! My eyes scanned the room looking for a certain individual. I was right h wasn't here. I looked back at Lucifer and we caught eye contact and both nodded. We just silently agreed to look for Ciel first then finish this. I did the same thing with Claude and Alois, though Alois didn't know what I was getting at so Claude just dragged him along.

Lucifer looked at the other demons and said, "Cease your fighting! Right now that is not your concern! You are to find Ciel and the kidnapper and take them both here and come get me! Is that understood?" Everyone nodded and took off.

"Let's go" I said more angry now than ever before.

Ciel's POV

I looked at the fear flash across his face and smirked slightly to myself.

"How pathetic. You actually thought that you would win." His fear turned to anger and he quickly turned on me. However he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a certain black haired demon break through the door.

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