Sebastian's Ending

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I looked at the fear flash across his face and smirked slightly to myself.

"How pathetic. You actually thought that you would win." His fear turned to anger and he quickly turned on me. However he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a certain black haired demon break through the door.

"Ciel!" instead of a smirk or my usual dull expression, I actually smiled at him when he called my name out.

"Don't Move!" Devein shouted at us while he held my neck with his hand. "I have worked for far too long for monsters like you and I won't let you take away from me what I have worked so hard for! I know that I will never be able to takeover hell, but I wont let that stop me! For some reason this human is so special to everyone, but I wont let you have her. Her soul should be enough compensation for what I lost!"

"You have worked hard, but all that work was in vain. Unfortunately for you, I don't want to loose what I have worked so hard for to keep." Within less than a second, Sebastian appeared behind Devein and killed him with his own hand as he stuck it inside him.

"Some people never listen..." I muttered to myself and Sebastian smirked.

"Now my lady, what do we do now?" Sebastian asked. I looked up and smiled teasingly at him.

"Well I would hate to over stay my welcome at this wonderful estate, so I think that it would be best to leave now."

"As you wi_" the abrupt sound of the door being slammed open once again made me jump slightly. In the doorframe stood the devil himself.

"Lucifer..." his name escaped my lips softer than a whisper, and with that he smiled.

"Now, now, you can't leave now. We still have a party going on for you in your honor."

"I'm afraid that she is rather tired and would like to return to the estate now."

"Well I'm afraid that that won't happen. If she is tired, she can stay here. In my room." He smirked at that last sentence while Sebastian growled and lounged into battle once again. I stood there not knowing what to do if anything. Just stop fighting. When will this fighting stop? "I will not stop until you are laying on the floor with your unbeating heart in my hand. If you don't want that to happen you will have to kill me with your bare hands yourself!"

"Then I guess you leave me with no other choice, but to kill you." Wow, well thanks for the answer. I looked at them fighting staring at them in awe, but also looking for a way to help Sebastian. I noticed that he was about to run out knives and I frantically looked around the room for an alternative that he could use. Let's see well there are fireplace tools, can he use these? Ugh it's not sharp. Damn what around here is sharp? I scanned the room twice, but didn't see anything, but I did notice Deveins lifeless body and thought that he may have some weapon on him. I ran towards his body and looked through all his pockets starting with his outside coat pockets then moving inwards. Feeling around in one pocket, I cut my hand on something sharp. Well there's something sharp. I pulled it out and found that it was just another knife. Though somehow this one looked different and felt strange to me for some weird reason. Regardless I knew Sebastian needed a weapon.

"Sebastian!" I called out and threw the knife as hard as I could because I was on the other side of the room.

Sebastian easily caught it and threw his last previous set of knives at his father, but he blocked them. While he was blocking them, Sebastian tripped him and Lucifer fell flat on his back. Sebastian trapped him with his legs and one free arm; the other was carrying the knife that I threw to him.

"So..." Lucifer started, "this is how it ends? I knew that it would always come down to this. You have always been stronger than me and deserve to run hell. You also deserve Ciel; she seems to really care for you. Strange isn't it? A human fell hard for a demon, and the demon fell just as hard for her."

"Do you have any last words?" I thought that those were going to be his last words. I sighed, but also felt a little sad.

"I do have a request. Can you recall what I said to you when our fight first started?" Sebastian nodded.

"You want me to kill you with my bare hand don't you? Very well then. A demon knife will be fitting to end the life of a demon king." Sebastian removed his glove with his teeth and gripped the knife with his hand. Suddenly everything got quiet as Sebastian stabbed his father with the demon knife in his heart. "The wound that a demon weapon makes will never heal, so now the demon king is dead forever."

Sebastian looked over at me and gave me a soft smile as he walked over to me. Reaching me he cupped my cheek in his hand as I stared up at him.

"Thank you my lady"

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Ciel? Oh dear god." I frowned playfully. "I am starting to sound like Ellija." Sebastian chuckled lightly.

"But the difference between Ellija and I is that..." his tone became a sudden whisper in my ear as he bent down to my level. "I am your lover..." His hand on my cheek slowly moved to my chin as he cupped that and slowly grazed my lips with his thumb. He smiled to himself and I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. I felt his breath on my lips and could feel my face heating up. We were just about to make contact, that is until a certain blonde screamed my name and barged into the room.

Alois ran into the room and up to me squeezing me almost to death in what I think was supposed to be a hug, not a death grip.

"Oh um hello Alois?"

"Ciel you can't just leave like that! You said that you would never leave me alone and you left me who knows how many times already."

"Um... I'm sorry? Bing kidnapped is not something that I can actually control you know? Can we just go home now? Honestly I am exhausted because of today's events.

"Of course we can Sebastian replied" Claude came in and said that we can leave whenever we are ready. Everyone looked at me and I said,

"Ok. Let's go home."

Sebastian and I waved goodbye to Alois and Claude as their carriage drove away to their manor.

"Come on Ciel, the servants already have dinner prepared."

"No, I'm not hungry anymore, I would much rather get some sleep at this point."

"Well if I choose to sleep with you, you won't be getting much sleep so you better at up to get more energy." Sebastian teased me as my face glowed bright red.

"D-don't be ridiculous, you are not even able to come into my room after that comment. I will have Merry Rin get me ready for bed then." I walked up to the manor myself as Sebastian chuckled to himself.

"Ciel don't be so mad, I'm only trying to get you to eat. You haven't eaten since you were taken."

"Fine just prepare something quick."

"As you wish."

After eating and already in my nightgown in bed, Sebastian was blowing out the last light and was about to walk out.

"Wait..." I called out. " Sebastian... will you sleep in here with me?"

"Of course my lady," he called out. He walked back over to me and set the candle on my bedside table. "I can also make sure a certain spider doesn't take you away from me again while you are asleep. I can watch over you like this." He bent down to my level as I lay on my side in the bed. As he said the words his breath tickled my lips as they yearned for his. He kissed me ever so gently, though it was obvious that he was holding back. He stopped kissing me for a moment and looked into my eyes. "Ciel, do you know what the difference between humans and demons is?" he asked.

"Blood?" he shacked is head softly.

"The difference between humans and is that I never lie," he smirked. "I hope you are not tired because you are not getting much sleep tonight." He said to my burning face and he blew out the candle and the room became dark.

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