Chapter 7

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Before hand

Alois POV

"CIEL!!!" I screamed as I saw her fall into the river and hit her head on the rock. I rush towards her but the current is too fast and I can't swim.

"Claude! Sebastian! Help!" I screamed and called out to them. A moment later they both appeared with annoyed looks on their faces. I'll deal with Claude later. He looks like he was in a fight with Sebastian, He better have won.

"What's wrong your highness." Claude asked.

"It's Ciel she has fallen into the river. Save her right now." I thought I saw a bit of worry on their faces, but it vanished soon after and so did they. They both raced for Ciel, but Sebastian had made it to her first. He brought her back to shore and we all waited for her to wake up.

She was squirming and screaming out in her sleep, but we decided not to wake her. After a while her eyes fluttered open.

"Where am I?" she asked. I was about to respond until I heard the next thing come out of her mouth. "Who are you?"

Sebastian's POV

"A butler should know better than to try and peek at a lady like that. Claude. Especially my master." I growled.

"Who are you to think you would stop me?"

"Just one hell of a butler." I smirked knowing this would end in a battle. He frowned.

"We'll see about that" In an instant he charged at me aimed to kick me, but miss only to see me reappear behind him. We lept into the air and started to throw lightning fast punches and kicks that were almost invisible to the human eye. But I am not human, I am a demon and I won't lose to this outer demon. I grabbed out the knives I always had on me and turned so now I was behind him holding the knives to his neck.

"Don't you dare defile my lady with your perverted eyes." I was more than angry I was enraged and furious. "You will never have my mistress."

"I wouldn't be to sure about that."

"Claude! Sebastian! Help!" We heard Alois yell in the distance.

"Now what." He put his glasses back on and looked at me as I removed my knives from his throat. "Looks like we will have to finish this later."

"Yes. Indeed." We both hurriedly made our way to Alois only to hear that Ciel was in trouble. My face went pale and I was genuinely worried about her. How could I be worried about a human? Sure she had a special and pure soul, but I shouldn't be worried about her. I should just be fulfilling our contract and nothing else. Demons can't posses emotions. I recollected myself and sprinted towards Ciel and taking her out of the lake. My face turned pale when I saw her screaming and thrashing around in her sleep, but I couldn't bring myself to wake her. I got back some color when I saw her eyes open, but went right back to pale white when I heard "Where am I?" come out of Ciel's mouth. No. she couldn't have lost her memory. Could she?

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