Lucifer's Ending

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"How pathetic. You actually thought that you would win." My attention now switching to the teasing voice that came from the doorframe.

"Claude!" Alois called out to his forever-faithful servant. A second later Claude appeared behind him waiting for more orders. "Kill him"

"Of course" Claude pushed up his glasses from the bridge of nose and in less than a moment leapt into action. His hands wrapped around his head and before Devein even knew it, had his neck twisted and snapped in half.

"Alois?" I whispered his name surprised he was the fist to find me.

"Ciel!" He sprinted to me with full force hugging me tightly in a death grip. "Ah Ciel I thought that you said that you wouldn't leave me?"

"I can not control whether I get kidnapped or not"

"This is why you should just stay by my side I wont let you ever get taken away from me ever again."

"That can be debated" Lucifer's voice suddenly joined in and instantly Alois stepped protectively in front of me. "Now Ciel why don't you just make things easy and come with me. That way... no one will have to die." His last sentence making the hairs sticking up on my neck. I can feel it... someone's going to die tonight. No! "Now Claude is it really a good idea to turn your back on your king just to follow your masters orders or... did you want to keep Ciel for yourself?"

"I have made a contract and I intend to fulfill that to the end and not break it, therefore, if my master orders it I will go against you."

"Are you sure that's the wisest thing to do?"

"Considering that I'm positive that you will die tonight, yes." With a growl they both leapt forward, pouncing on each other. A fierce duel broke out, faster than the eye can see. I could just barely make out some movements from the fight, but I could quickly tell who had the upper hand at this moment.

Lucifer was clearly winning, but the previous battle they were fighting had taken a great toll on both of them. Being the lower class demon Claude was losing to Lucifer and fast. If he didn't do something soon, no matter how much he doges, his demon blade will hurt him and most likely kill him eventually. Now how does one move from defense to offence? I quickly pondered and glanced over to Alois to see what he was doing in this situation.

However this boy wasn't next to me like I expected him to be, instead he had moved to a chair in the corner casually watching the fight like it meant nothing to him. You really are dense aren't you? I hurried over to Alois to try and get any helpful information out of him.

"Alois quickly, what does Claude use as a weapon? Right now he is just fighting with his bare hands but if he has a weapon then the fight might favor us more." He turned his head towards me and flashed me a bright smile.

"Wow that's a great idea! I wish I knew what he fights with."

"Y-you don't know?!" how badly you can irritate me sometimes. I had looked over at the on going fight watching Lucifer just mercilessly toying with Claude now. It had gotten to the point where Claude's blocks were just useless and was getting hit at every angle.

"Oh are you done already?" Lucifer teased Claude.

"I will never be done until I take my finale breath."

"That's what makes you a Trancy butler, right Claude?" said Alois. For a small moment Claude turned around to Alois and I and gave him a real, genuine smile. Though I was captivated by the fact hat he had given him a smile, much less a real one, I was quick to notice Lucifer about o give him the finale blow behind him.

Not knowing what I should do, my body leapt into action on its own. Myself was used as a shield and I was able to protect Claude, however I could feel a deep agonizing pain that seeped throughout my whole body. I could feel every inch of the demon blade go in as it pierced my stomach. I instantly felt cold as the room already started to fade away from me.

As soon as Lucifer realized it was me that he had stabbed instead of Claude, he pulled the blade back out as quickly as he could catching me before I could hit the ground in the process. I could feel Lucifer's arms wrap around my body and tears streaming down from his eyes.

"Why? Why did you have to jump in front of him! A wound inflicted by a demon blade onto a human can never heal!" I looked up at Claude ignoring Lucifer. Claude's face held an expression that I had never seen before. Complete terror was written all over his face as he looked at my bloodied body with wide eyes. He had sunken to his knees in hopelessness.

"I-I just didn't want anyone to die" I managed to give Claude a weak smile as it was getting harder and harder to try and process anything.

By now Alois had stood up out of his chair a horrified look plastered on his face as he ran up to me by my side.

"Ciel, no... Tell me that your all right!" the blonde boy started to cry as I noticed a deep unsettling feeling emanating from Claude. His true demon form had been seeping out of him. I could see a visible dark aurora surrounding his entire body. He started making his way towards the demon sword where Lucifer had dropped it right after he had stabbed me. He picked it up and had a horrifying look in his yellow eyes. He's going to kill Lucifer!

"This is your fault!" Claude yelled at Lucifer. I had never heard Claude yell before and it truly was a bit terrifying. "If you hadn't kidnapped her here or stabbed by you, she wouldn't be dying right now!"

"I-I didn't mean to! I didn't want this to happen! Ciel... Ciel I'm so sorry."

"It's too late to apologize!" I gave a stern look to Claude as I grabbed his ankle to try and make him stop.

"Its ok... I'm fi-" my words were cut out by a sudden wave of violent coughing. Each cough was agonizing as I had tried to stop but couldn't. As I covered my mouth with my hand, that hand was soon covered with a deep shade of crimson. I had been coughing up blood.

As I was coughing another voice appeared.


"S-Sebastian cough"

"What the hell happened to her!" he yelled as tears streamed down everyone's' faces including his own.

"I just didn't want anyone to die." I gave a soft smile to everyone. "L-Lucifer please just know, that I'm not mad at you for anything that you have done to me including this. I honestly wish that I could spend more time with you. I was actually happy that you brought me here because I was able to spend time with you... If I'm going to die... I'm happy that I can die by the hands of the one I fell in love with... thank you" I was only able to whisper the last two words not having enough strength to say it any louder.

"I-I love you too Ciel" I felt a pair of lips on mine. It's getting bright and the pain is dying down. For once I feel truly happy... My last thoughts slipped away as I slipped away as I entered into a never-ending dream my soul never truly belonging to anyone but my heart forever belonging to the devil himself.

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